Entering The Heart Of War

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The next few days went by in a blur

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The next few days went by in a blur. We watched several different Companies get ordered away from Mourmelon. This made the men in Easy anxious as we wanted to know where we would be heading next. Every morning, Dike would order us to stand fast and await orders but none came, only adding to the men's nervousness. They knew if we hadn't received orders yet, then we would most likely be heading into the Ardennes. 

I kept all of my things packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. I even took the time to resupply my kit and put together an inventory of what I was taking for the next medic who would take control of this station after we left. As I was filling out the forms, a young Private entered the building, crossing the threshold, asking, "Are you Nurse Banks?"

Without bothering to look up at his approach, I nodded. "What can I do for you?" He set two envelopes down on the desk beside me. I glanced at them before catching his eye and nodding my thanks. "Thank you, Private." 

He smiled before turning to leave the med station. Once he was gone, I studied the envelopes. The top one had a delicate script, which I immediately recognized to be Darla's handwriting. The second one was more slanted and determined with the pen strokes which led me to believe it was Webster's. 

I opened Darla's letter first.

Dearest Emmeline,

How I wish I could wrap my arms around you at this very moment. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. I sense you are in a dark place - I could see it in the way you wrote your letter, the choice of your words, and I could see the stains your tears left behind on the page. My heart breaks for you and I feel utterly powerless to help you.

I received Lewis's letter about Charlotte. It broke me to read of her death. It also broke my heart knowing how you were handling it as he explained your reaction. Oh, Emmeline... we were not meant to be in this war alone. I can do nothing more than pray for you to hold on and not lose your way in this war.

I saw David Webster come in! He's asked for a lot of paper since he arrived here. I'm not sure if he is writing letters to you and his family or if he is writing his accounts of the war for this book he keeps talking about. He did ask me once or twice since being here if I have heard from you and if you are doing all right. He seems genuinely worried about you. Shall I pass anything along to him?

Moose Heyliger was another person I saw briefly. He told me all about the conversation you two shared right before he got wounded. He feels incredibly guilty for leaving you and for breaking his promise. That is a wonderful man right there! He has only known you for a short period of time, yet it seems as though he knows more about you than I do! Maybe it feels that way because we've been separated for so long... Boy, I miss you!

I find it interesting how Lieutenant Speirs came to say goodbye to you. I wish that man would just come right out and say what he means to say instead of turning everything into a riddle! Honestly, some men! I hope you see him again soon. He seems to really care about you, and frankly, you sound like you care for him - more than you've eluded to before.

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