Light Duty Orders

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I woke up early the next morning

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I woke up early the next morning. Thankfully, I didn't have any nurses training to attend but I knew Sobel would have something up his sleeve - he always did. I stood from my cot, stretching my back and neck, before reaching for my clothes. I changed, pulling my hair up into a neat ponytail.

I quietly carried my boots across the room so I wouldn't disturb the other girls as they slept in. I opened the door and slipped out, closing the squeaky door gently behind me. I sat down on the wooden steps, pulling my boots on. Just as I finished tying my laces, a pair of shiny black boots stopped before me. Glancing up, I saw Sobel staring down at me. I bolted to my feet, saluting. "Sir."

He looked me up and down, almost sizing me up. It made me uncomfortable when his beady eyes lingered longer than they should have. He informed me, "I need you to report to the kitchen and assist Lieutenant Winters."

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Sir?"

"We are giving the men a light day of lecture to help them recover from last night's celebration. I have instructed Lieutenant Winters to prepare a nice meal. Since you have no nurses training today, I would ask you to assist in the preparation," he stated. It sounded pretty self-explanatory and innocent enough.

I nodded letting him know that I understood. "Yes, sir."

I started to walk away from him but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Before you go," he spoke softly into my ear, sending chills down my spine. "I would also ask that you bring me a plate to my office as soon as it's ready."

I glanced at his hold on my upper arm then up to his beady eyes. "Yes, sir." When he didn't remove his hand from me, I asked, "Was there something else, sir?"

He released his hold. "No. Carry on." I shuddered as I started to walk away from him briskly, still feeling his eyes following me.

As I rounded the corner heading toward the mess hall's kitchens, I thought about Sobel. I didn't like him for many reasons but he never acted like that before. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't realize I passed the kitchens.

Hearing numerous cat-call whistles erupting around me, my head snapped up. I found myself standing in the middle of a PT session for Dog Company. The men wore amused smiles on their faces and some were still brazenly whistling at me, eyebrows darting up and down suggestively. I blushed, turning to run away but smacked into Speirs.

I gasped, shocked, wide-eyed, "I'm sorry, sir! I was in my own thoughts..."

He didn't reach out to touch me nor did he smile at me. He barely looked at or even acknowledged that I had spoken to him. He stepped aside for me, motioning for me to continue on my way while his dark eyes remained locked onto his men.

I was confused by his personality shift from how it was the night before. I blinked, furrowing my brow at him but didn't say anything. I quickly brushed by him, turning into the mess hall's kitchen where Winters was waiting for me.

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