The Games We Play

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I watched the glow of the morning light seep into the house as the sun rose the next morning

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I watched the glow of the morning light seep into the house as the sun rose the next morning. I didn't sleep during the night as every sound from the creaking of the house settling, the branches of the large oak tree outside scratching the window panes, to the wind howling at the moon kept me on edge. One thing I was certain of: if Robert Lerner was good at anything, it was keeping his victims on edge, testing their nerves to the limit until there was nothing left. He was going to break me and, from what I could tell, I was reverting into the meek mouse Speirs once called me.

Despite wanting to, I knew I couldn't hide inside the house all day with the doors barred and windows shut tight. I stood from my corner and meandered toward the door. The moment I threw it open, my eyes landed on a young man staring back at me equally startled as I was. He stood at the door, fist raised in mid-knock, blinking at me in surprise. 

Breaking the stunned silence between us, I asked, "Can I help you?" 

"Nurse Banks?" he offered.

I nodded and he handed me a letter. I thanked him as he walked away. Looking down at the envelope, I saw it was Darla's cursive handwriting. I didn't hesitate as I tore the envelope's seal to see what she had to say.

Dearest Emmeline,

My heart weeps for the cruel things you have witnessed. I cannot even fathom what you've seen and what those poor people have gone through. Just reading your description of the horrible things you saw at that camp...I just...I can't even imagine. I don't know what else to say besides that - there are simply no words. How have you been doing since?

I've heard from Lewis. He told me everything - his feelings for me, his divorce, everything. My heart aches for him and what he is going through but I am a terrible person, I must confess as I have yet to reply to his letter. There's a part of me that desperately wants to but another part of me that doesn't. I haven't told you this before now because you were so busy with everything going on over there but I can't contain it inside any longer - I need to tell someone before I go out of my mind!

I've met someone. His name is Rory Lavers. He is an officer with the British military. He was wounded a few weeks back and was reassigned to stay here. We've seen each other practically every day. Oh, Emmeline, you'd really like him! There's so much I want to tell you about him but I know how precious your time is these days, so, when you return to me, I'll introduce the two of you and explain it all then.

I feel sad for Lewis, though. He's in love with me and I do love him but I simply love someone else more. I guess this is something you're familiar with, isn't it? You deal with this every day with Webster and Speirs. Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for me?

Have you heard anything more about the Lerners? You haven't mentioned them in a long while. I hope you are still safe from them? Is Speirs keeping an eye out for you?

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