The House On The Hill

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The sounds of the morning birds singing stirred me awake

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The sounds of the morning birds singing stirred me awake. Slowly I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the bright light filtering through the delicate curtains hanging from the windows. My eyes drifted across the dancing shadows on the ceiling until they landed on Speirs, who still held me safely in his embrace as he slept peacefully.

I studied his face, taking in the length of his lashes, the darkness of the stubble across his jawline, the feel of his breath against my face as he snored gently, lips parted ever so slightly. After everything that happened, I wondered how he could sleep so soundly - be so at peace in life - when I still felt that pit in my stomach. For the briefest of moments, I envied him. 

It wasn't long before he stirred, his eyes cracked open and met mine. Inhaling deeply, he smiled dreamily at me. "Morning," he whispered, his voice groggy.

"Morning," I whispered back.

He swallowed, studying me for a moment. "Are you doing any better?" he asked as he released me from his embrace to sit up.

I sat up, stretching the kink from my lower back. "I don't think I'll ever be okay again," I admitted with a cracked voice.

He nodded once. "I know... I understand." I bit my lip as the memories bubbled up again, tears threatening to fall again. He leaned forward to place one of his warm hands on my cheek, running his calloused thumb over my parted lips. "Bad habits die hard." I chuckled, thankful for the brief distraction even if he was giving me grief about it. Before I was able to apologize for the habit, he placed a tender kiss on my lips. When he pulled away, he whispered, "We better get moving." He stood, pulling me to my feet alongside him. Once we were on our feet, he stared deep into my eyes. He whispered, "You're my mystery, Nurse Banks."

"What does that mean?" I asked. This wasn't the first time he said this to me and I wondered what he meant by it.

He flashed a knowing smile. "I think there is more to you than you like to show people and you're slowly letting me in to see it..." he leaned in, lowering his voice again, "You're my mystery I alone get to solve... and I'm looking forward to that day."

This was a side of Speirs I rarely saw. I swallowed nervously, admitting, "You're a mystery too, you know - very guarded but your walls are starting to crumble." He smiled slyly, placing another gentle kiss on my lips, lingering there for a moment to breathe me in.

A series of hard knocks landed on the front door causing me to jump slightly, pulling away from Speirs. Sighing, I walked away from him to answer the door. Pulling the door open, I saw a couple of Privates standing on the front step. "Yes?"

"Is Captain Speirs here?" 

Speirs rounded the corner to stand behind me. "What is it, Private?"

"Sir, Major Winters wanted me to inform you that Hitler's dead," the man stated with a salute, "He'd like to speak with you about what's to come."

"Very good, thank you," Speirs said, saluting the men as they left.

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