Heading To War

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The next morning, Darla gently shook me awake since I was on the verge of oversleeping

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The next morning, Darla gently shook me awake since I was on the verge of oversleeping. I didn't sleep much the night before because I was so stressed about the upcoming jump. I groaned as I opened my eyes to see her smiling sadly down at me. I felt like the moment I was finally able to fall asleep, she was shaking me awake.

"Long night?" she asked, passing me a coffee cup as I sat up.

I inhaled deeply at the bitter aroma in my hands, biting back my sarcastic retort so I didn't wind up saying something I would regret. Instead, I stretched slightly, careful not to spill the steaming brew all over me. I rubbed my face as I swung my legs over the side of my bed.

Darla walked away from me, chuckling lightly, before returning to me with another cup of hot coffee. "Drink up. You've got a busy night ahead of you."

I took a cautious sip, allowing the warmth to seep into my soul. Feeling the effects almost immediately, I stood and dressed for my long day and even longer upcoming night. Once I finished dressing and chugging the last remnants of my coffee, I grabbed my belongings, hugged Darla tightly, and headed out to the assembly area to begin checking all of my equipment for the jump with the rest of the men.

The men had already assembled on the runway with all of their things spread out on the ground as they checked off their belongings and supplies. I dropped my heavy bag to the ground with a thump to do the same.

Perconte sauntered over to me, holding a small tin can filled with blackish cream. "Hey, Em," he called to me, "Want some face paint?"

I glanced up at him before my eyes dropped to the gunk in the can. I shook my head. "Not right now, Frank."

"You look terrible," he pointed out, his face contorting with disapproval.

I blinked at him. "Thanks?" I muttered, raising an eyebrow at him. "You too?"

He shook his head, his expression serious. "I didn't mean it like that. Just- I mean," he inched closer as he asked, "did you sleep at all?"

I sighed heavily before replying, "No, not really." I ran my hand down my face. I just wanted to get through the supply check.

Perconte opened his mouth to say something more but after the annoyed look I shot him, he chose to walk away - for which I was grateful. I opened my bag and pulled things out, setting them neatly on the ground to take inventory. It didn't take me long to do my inventory inspection as I usually kept everything neat and organized in my bag anyway. Seeing the items spread out before me, it appeared that everything was accounted for. I placed them back into the bag, carefully packing it so the weight was evenly distributed.

A quick tap on my shoulder came from behind me. I glanced over to see who was trying to gain my attention, only to see Luz smiling down at me with his goofy grin. An empty bag with some kind of tether was in his hands as he held it out toward me.

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