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I finally discovered the 'secret' party was for Colonel Sink

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I finally discovered the 'secret' party was for Colonel Sink. Apparently, it was his birthday but after he came into the mess hall to thank everyone for this surprise celebration, he explained he was being called away on important business but to celebrate without him as the food and alcohol shouldn't go to waste. Everyone was more than happy to oblige, raising their drinks to toast him as he took his leave.

Darla and I arrived at the loud and crowded room where the swing music was blaring and everyone was already drinking. I scanned the crowds as Darla wrapped her arm in mine. I saw the other girls scattered around the room.

Anne was talking to Grant in the dark corner of the room. She seemed really happy as her smile widened at him as she laughed at his jokes. The way he was gazing at her, I would have grown weak in the knees. If the war hadn't brought all of us together, and if they met in other circumstances, they would have been quite happy in life.

Charlotte was dancing with Luz as he was cracking jokes to make her laugh, which could be heard occasionally over the music. I always thought those two were great together. Even though Charlotte was like our conscious voice, she was fun to be around and Luz ate up her playful side like his life depended on it.

I spotted Sarah drinking with Gordon, Guarnere, and Toye, at the bar and struggling to keep up. I worried about how this night of drinking would impact her in the morning, especially considering she was so much younger than the rest of us. I wasn't even sure she had ever had a drink before tonight.

Darla whispered into my ear, "I'm going to get a drink. You should try and have fun!"

I nodded to her as she headed to the bar. As she approached the bar, several men walked up to her, smiling wide, and offering to get her a drink. They immediately jumped into conversations with Darla and I was left feeling like I didn't belong.

Awkwardly, I decided to walk across the room to get something to drink as instructed by Darla. On my way across the room, I was stopped by Webster, who was smiling wide as he darted out in front of me. He exclaimed happily, his voice slightly slurred, "You came! This is great! Here, have a seat!" He motioned to an empty chair next to a bunch of men I didn't know. I glanced at Webster as he smiled, pulling another chair over to sit next to me. Some more men from the Division came to stand around us. I smiled, clearly uncomfortable in this scene. I didn't know how to react in these sorts of situations.

Webster asked, breaking the growing awkward silence, "Do you want a drink?" I nodded and he replied, "I'll be right back."

My eyes followed him as he walked away, leaving me alone with these men I didn't know. I smiled at them, trying to relax as Darla instructed me but I couldn't. I think the men realized I wasn't comfortable around them because they got up and started to socialize with the other girls.

Webster returned with my drink, setting it down on the table. He must have seen my discomfort because he asked as he sat down, "You okay? You seem a little shaken."

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