comfort - part 2

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Heres part 2.
hope you enjoy.

I walked into me and Nick's shared room to see him and ryland playing fortnight together.
I guess they didnt see me because when I walked in they didnt say hello so I just put my phone on the bed and went into the bathroom. I quickly went into the closet and grabbed Nick's hoodie and his 'nick austin' merch sweatpants. I walked into the bathroom, blow dryed my hair and then changed into my clothes.

~ Meanwhile as I was in the bathroom: ~

Nick's pov:
I was playing fortnight w my best friend ryland when I heard the bathroom door close. I knew it was y/n so I told ryland if we could shut off the game.
"Bro y/n just got back can we play another time" I asked
"Man sure but you're such a simp" he laughed.
"Shush" I laughed back and nudged him in the arm.
We both set our headsets down and walked over to my bed. As we sat down ryalnd said "who's phone is that?"
"I think y/n's, she must have left it here before she went into the bathroom. Why?" Nick said
(Little did they know that you were getting hate on social media)
"Um man, you might wanna see this?" He said sounding serious.
"What?" I said looking up from my screen and glancing down at the phone in ryland's hands. The notifications read:
@user commented: go d!e and k*s. Everyone hates you.
@user commented: you're so ugly and fat the world would be better off without you.
@user commented: for Christmas I wish that you'd k*s. It would mean the world to me.

"Omg what? Tf shes never told me about this before? Wtf she must be dying inside" nick panicked.
"Dude maybe you should sit down and talk to her?" Ryland suggests.
"Well no fucking shit ryland" nick shouted.
"Omg I feel so bad for her. She doesn't deserve this." Ryland said.
"Ik agreed. How do u think I feel man?" Nick replied.
"Worse, how do you think y/n feels?" Ryland says.
And they both just sat there speechless trying to process the things they had just read.

End of POV.
Back to normal now!
Y/n pov:
I got out of the bathroom and saw ryland and nick sitting on the bed.
"Hii guys, wyd?" I asked. They both looked pale and a bit frightened.
"Guys you ok?" I asked getting worried.
"Um maybe nick should explain" ryland started "I'll leave you two to it then" he continued before signally to nick and then leaving the room.
"What do you have to tell me baby?" I asked curiously as I sat down on the bed next to him.
"Its more like what do you have to tell me?" He said.
"Huh wdym? I'm so confused?" I asked. my brain scanning through all the possible reasons.
"Dont act like you dont know?" Nick said.
"No baby, what are you talking about?!" I stated.
"Ok fine, if you REALLY dont know, here" he said showing me the notifications.
"Oh? I-I-I, was going to tell you but I didnt know what to say and Idk, I'm sorry I should've said something, i just kept it to myself bc i guess idk, it was too much" you say now tears streaming down your face.
"Oh baby" nick sighed while pulling you onto his lap and hugging you. He rubbed your back as you just cried into his shoulder.
"Shhh baby, shh. It's okay, I'm here now and you're never going anywhere without me again" nick said.
"I-I- maybe I should d!e? Like if so many people want me to then maybe I should? Like so many people would be happier?" I said through breaths and more tears.
"NO Y/N (full name) YOU WILL NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN. NEVER. SO MANY PEOPLE LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You're what makes me so happy. Baby your my soulmate I can't loose that." He said. I just pouted and kissed him.
"B-b- but it hurts" I say crying more.
"Ik, ik baby, ik. Shhh. Shhh. It's okay, I'll help you get through it. I promise" he says while putting his hand in your hoodie and rubbing your back.
"My hoodie?" He said.
"Mhm" I hummed.
"Oh baby" he said and kissed me on the head.
"Lie down and I'll go get some snacks and we'll cuddle and watch a movie" he said while picking me up from his lap.
"Ok" I say while going in to reach for my phone.
"Uh no- you are not going to read those fucked up things. Here have my phone for now" he said while taking my phone and giving me his.
I pouted and he said "I love you baby, I just need you to feel better and this is the start, baby steps" he replied.
"I love you more teddy" I said and he gave me a tight hug and kissed my head before going to the door.
"I'll be back in 5" he said before heading out the room.

Nick's pov:
I walked up to the kitchen and saw ryland there with chase and thomas.
"So how'd it go?" Ryland says with a sad face.
"Lets just say she sat there crying for about 10 minutes." I answered not really wanting to make a big fuss.
"Oh my g-" ryland started.
"No it's ok dont worry about it, I dont want to make a fuss it will make things worse." I said.
"W-what happened?" Chase asked?
(Ryland explained to Thomas and chase)
"Oh shit, that's so fucked up" chase said
"Mhm, the fuck?" Thomas agreed.
'Ok well bye guys" I said grabbing the chips from the counter.
"Where you going?" Ryalnd shouts across the hall.
"My room, where do you think" I shout back at him.
I held 2 big bags of chips in one hand and had drinks in the other. I burst through the door to see y/n curled up on the bed, her knees up to her chest and small sobs.
I immediately sat all the snacks down and rushed over to her.
"Baby" I said in a hushed tone while taking her hands away from her head revealing her red puffy eyes.
"Come here baby, I got you" I said pulling her in for a hug.

Y/n pov:
" I cant do it anymore nick" I said into pieces while crying my heart out.
"Baby, hey listen to me. You will fight and you will get better. I'm never leaving your side baby, I'm always here." He says clenching onto my hands like his life depended on it. I just sat there holding his hands and breaking into pieces.
"Baby, shhh,shhh, it's ok. I promise, you'll feel better by tommorow" he said while holding my head up and wiping my tears.
I just sat there streaming tears down my face. I loved his touch, his scent, his love, everything about him.
"Here" he said while handing me the chips and walking over to the closet to get me a hoodie. He sprayed it with his cologne and gave it to me.
"Put this on bebe" he said while giving it to me.
"I already have one on though?" I said confused.
" I know but this ones different" he explained.
"How?-" I began.
"Eh, don't ask questions and just put it on" he said.
I took off my hoodie i was wearing and put on the one nick gave me. (You were wearing a sports bra underneath)
"It smells of you" I say, my voice still soft and tender and my eyes still red. I let out a small smile.
"Theres my baby's gorgeous smile" he pouted.
He came over to me handed me a teddy bear and layed next to me.
A tear streamed down my face as I tried my best to be happy but my happiness was invisible.
"Baby, don't cry" 🥺 he whined as he pulled me onto his chest, wrapped a blanket over me and gave me a kiss on my head.
I just breathed heavily and tried my best to calm down.
"There you go baby, clam down, I'm here princess, please dont cry, I love you, you're too beautiful to cry" he said wiping my tears with his hoodie.
" I love you too baby" I replied.
I gave him a faint smile before clenching the teddy bear in my arms and laying my head on nicks chest. We just spent the night sleeping, well by sleeping I mean me crying and him trying to calm me down. But we did get some sleep in the end. And the snacks and movie, we forgot about those. Nick decided I was more important.

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