unwell - part 2

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(Forgot to mention that you and ryland are brother and sister in this :)

Y/n pov:

I flopped my back onto the bed and just layed there thinking what a mess I have made. I hated people seeing me like this. "What if he thinks I'm a slut. Hes going to hate me. What if he breaks up with me. What if he tells everyone. What if my ryland finds out. Ugh" Were all the thoughts painfully rummaging through my mind.
"I'm such a mess, fuck" I whispered to myself as my hands met my forehead and soon enough I felt warm droplets on my hands. "I cant eat. No. No, I cant do it." I said to myself. "I'm going to fuck everything up". I thought while laying there in denial of my whole life.

Nick's pov:
I was going up the stairs as fast as I could. It hurt me to see her like this. I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting at the table.
"Hey ry, can I talk to you for a sec" I signalled to ryland. "Sure, let's go outside" he replied while getting up from his chair and followed me into the balcony.
"So what's up" he asked putting his hands into his pockets.
"Y/n. She's doing it again" I told him.
"Oh no. Not again"
"I know, i dont know how get her to understand how important eating is." I began. "Anyway, I'm going to take her something to eat. I'll update you" I continued.
"Yh ofc man. Tysm for taking care of her" he said.
I smiled at him and said "no problem" as we both walked back into the kitchen and I grabbed some pasta that was already out on the table. I placed the food into a bowl and filled her a cup of water as I walked back down the steps.
"Ayo nick, is everything ok" Thomas asked.
"Yea, everything's fine" I reassured him with a smile not wanting him to catch on to what was happening. I know y/n wouldnt like everyone knowing.
I walked into our room to find y/n laying down on the bed.
"You alright, I got you something" I said softly.

Y/n pov:
I jolted my head up to see nick standing there with food in his hands. Fuck. Now I'm going to have to eat. I quickly wiped my eyes hoping he wouldnt recognize. But he did. Of course he did. Who am I kidding. This boy knows me inside out.
"Baby?" He questioned. I didnt answer. I just stared blankly into him and watch him set the food down and come over to me.

Nick pov:
"Please dont cry princess, it hurts me to see you like this. You know I love you unconditionally and i would never make you do anything you dont want to, but eating is so vitally important sweetheart." I reminded her as I grabbed the bowl and set it infront of her.
"Please. It doesn't have to be much. Just a little bite to get you going" I said pouting at her.
She hesitated a bit and puffed before slowly picking up the fork.
"There you go baby, see. Baby steps" I told her.
I watched her as she tried to pick up the food and put it in her mouth but she couldn't. And I didnt blame her.
"Wait baby, put it down for a second" I said. She looked at me weirdly before placing the utensil down. I moved it over to the bedside table and took her hands. I could tell this was hard for her, she was shaking. I took my hand and brushed my thumb along her cheek and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back trying to calm bet down. Instantly I realised her breathing slowed and she started to shake a lot less.
"I'm so-sor-sorry" she muttered with a few tears. "Please dont be mad"
"Baby, of course I'm not mad. I'm just trying my best to help you. I promise you will feel better once you take a bite. Come on, I'll do it with you" I said pulling away from the hug.
She nodded weakly and I brushed my fingers along her cheek, wiping her tears. I picked up the bowl, sat her in my lap and picked up the fork. I put a single piece of pasta onto it, knowing that she probably wouldnt be able to take big bites. She closed her eyes and looked at me. I gave her a quick nod before she finally gave in and opened her mouth. I placed the fork inside her mouth and glanced as she bit it off and started to chew it slowly.
"Well done baby, see. You did it." I said.
She smiled faintly and swallowed the rest. She was on the verge of tears. My heart beginning to ache again.
"No baby, you can do it. Dont cry, please honey. You got this." I spoke.
She moved her head and picked up the fork again as I took my hoodie and wiped her tears away. I grabbed her free hand and stroked it with my thumb. She ate it and then swallowed. She did that a couple more times before she put down the fork and I knew she was done.
"Well done baby, I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it. Baby steps." I told her and placed a small peck on her lips.
"I want you to promise me that whenever you dont want to eat you come and find me and we'll sort it out togther. I never want you to suffer alone. Eating is a part of surviving. It's so so important. Please baby. I need you to understand that." I told her.
"Okay I understand" she said softly and hugged me again.
God, I love this girl.
"I'm sorry, I didnt tell you. I thought you would hate me and break up with me." She said.
"Baby, please never think that! I love you so much and whatever you're going through I'm always going to be here to help you. I swear on that" I reasured her.
She smiled and I could tell this time it wasnt a fake one.
"Thank you. What would I do without you"
"Its no problem honey. I'd do anything for my girl. Now come on let's watch something!" I said and I picked her up and layed her on the bed. I rested my head on the headboard and pulled her into my lap. I turned on the T.V and kissed her. After a while I could tell she was starting to get uncomfortable.
"What's wrong honey" I asked her.
"I'm cold" she answered.
"Oh baby" I said, getting up off the bed and walking to the closet. She eyed me weirdly, confused on my actions.
"You want a hoodie" I asked.
"Yes" she nodded as I reached inside and pulled out her favourite hoodie of mine.
I walked back over to her and watched her put it on.
"Better?" I asked.
"Much" she replied and snuggled back into me and I wrapped my hand over her waist.
"Ok so we can watch a Christmas movie, outerbanks, white collar or a disney movie. What do you want?" I spoke. No answer. I looked down and saw her fast asleep. I didnt want to wake her so i took a picture, kissed her head and scrolled through social media for a bit. I loved her so fucking much.

A/n: So here is part 2! I dont really like this but I tried. And please eat! You're perfect the way you are. I love you so much and starving yourself isnt the way to loose weight. So if you havent eaten today please, please do! Have a good night/day! I love you and so does Nick! Teehee

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