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...It's been 4 days since Pea's operation and if I'm being sincere with you it's been hell for me... Ruby just lays in bed crying all day, refusing to eat and it's my job to take care of her also considering her current condition😣, not to mention Peaches... I can't let Ruby see her cause they've been no improvement and all the wires plugged into her body... One glance makes me want to kill my mum for all she put her through but I blame myself too, I could've done something but instead, I stayed away😫

I'm currently staring at Ruby, all sprawled on the ground weeping and trust me I don't think I can do anything cause I don't even know what the problem is, it could be her misplaced pregnancy hormones or the fact that I won't take her along with me but whatever it is I know for a fact I need to sort it out cause my headaches like mad. I carried her to the bed not without struggling tucked her in

"Ruby, how many more wipes am I gonna have to get? You haven't even taken your tablets" I said with an exasperated sigh

"As much...as you'd have to and I'm tired of these prenatal drugs," she says in between sobs sounding more like a baby

as you'd have to and I'm tired of these prenatal drugs," she says in between sobs sounding more like a baby

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Come-on... This ain't good for you and our baby" I said a little overdramatic

"What do you mean nau😒"

"Baby... You know I'd give you anything, I just want you safe here with our baby"

"Staaap it," she said in between sobs and smiles

"Fine come on now have your bath, I gotta leave only when you've eaten"


"Uh uh no buts. up now!"


After I got her all clean and prepped up I left for the hospital where I'm currently seated watching my lil sister fight for her life

After I got her all clean and prepped up I left for the hospital where I'm currently seated watching my lil sister fight for her life

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I really can't bear to see her like this...

I know she's a lover of poetry so I decided to draft something for her, to tell her how it felt without her around...


An angel lost her grace, tears ran down her face
She feels forgotten, love an unknown feeling to her
Hate her daily companion
She no longer has faith, her eyes emptied of hope
Bloodshot eyes, tears-stained cheeks
She saw only pain and suffering
She couldn't conquer love
Her blue sky faded to black, and darkness filled her heart even with all her fight to stay sane her white dress still went black...

I decided to read it out to her and I watched her sternly as I did still no movement, just as I rose to drop my notepad in my bag my uncle walked in.

"Leo OMG how's she, how much is the bill? What did the doctor say... Your mum called to___

Before he could finish speaking the heart monitor went wild I immediately ran to her side and pressed the red button I was screaming to the nurses in what felt like an hour but was only a couple of seconds they came in and I was pushed out and a curtain more or less a screen was pulled to cover her... I was scared Goddamnit something was not right here she was fine? She was Hurrah stable yes stable's the word...

"Mr Fenson?!" I heard a voice call inaudibly

"Mr Leo Fenson!!"

"Leo Fenson!! The doctor called out again

"YES. YES!! yes I'm sorry I got lost in thoughts"

"I know this is hard for you, it would be for anyone your age but you can do it you're strong," he said but I wasn't having it though I'm not ready for any pep talk right now

"What happened to her doctor?

"Like I said earlier, her body might be asleep but her mind is awake she can hear you... Someone or something triggered her"

"And how do you mean sir" It picked my interest so I sat up and focused more

"Someone must've said something she didn't like, or she could've heard something she didn't want to hear which is kind of good news cause whatever it was pushed her out of her subconscious and she's a little better now, she has being moved to another room....." At that point, I blacked out... Could my Uncle have a hand in this... Did he hurt her? Or did she miss him?

"Mr Fenson if there's something I need to know, anything bothering you I need you to know that you can talk to me" He continued

"Oh no nothing, thank you very much, doctor"


"You really mean she's better?

"Yep and you can see her tomorrow" A broad smile spread across Ruby's face at least I think so I could hear her soft chuckle on the other side

"Come home soon," she said but my mind wasn't at rest as to why she would react to his presence...

A/N: what do you think he'd do if he finds out... Hmm, things are about to get nasty over here😏😏😌

Thanks for reading 🙃 please don't forget to vote and leave a comment...

New book alert though...once this is done I'd be bringing to you my beloved RECKLESSLY LOVED BY THE MAFIA KING"🤭👏👏🥂🎉🎊
it'll be perfect I promise you... But for the record, I'm thinking of making it "GLORY AND GORE" instead, tell me what you think

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