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"Are you ready yet? Ruby screamed out to Leo for the 100th time this morning

"Take a chill pill baby monster I'm right here" Leo replied as he descended the staircase

"Whatever you say bitch" she replied with the most dramatic sigh ever

"You haven't eaten neither have you taken your drug as I instructed," Leo said as he saw everything laying just as he left it on the cabinet

"I'd do that when we get there come on already... Please let's leave already" she whined like a kid in a hurry to catch the ice cream truck but I wasn't having any of it

"You ain't ready... I'd go back up and just sleep and__"

"Fine fine don't go up I'm on it asap"

Just like that, she ate without any more persuasion


The moment she saw Peach tears welled up in her eyes and she clung to my shirt...
There was a doctor by her bedside, I think he was taking off some tubes that were connected to her and probably administering drugs as he nodded our way in recognition.

There was a doctor by her bedside, I think he was taking off some tubes that were connected to her and probably administering drugs as he nodded our way in recognition

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"Leo..." She whispered as the doctor left

"Yeah," I replied...

"she's gonna be alright right? You said she was better" she said voice breaking

"Of course she is, she's perfectly ok now... Wanna talk to her?

Yes" she sobbed

"Go on now, she can hear you"



I watched her walk to Peach's side, thank goodness she didn't see her before, but she does look better, and fewer wires are plugged into her, the doctor said she might likely not wake for a couple of months but I really can't bring myself to tell Ruby that.


My heart broke a thousand times to see her like that, there was a journal by her bedside, I took it and I noticed that for everyday Leo wrote something, and it had so many sad and hurtful things, she hasn't been fine Leo lied to me... I decide against it, she's strong! She's been through the worst so I did wah I thought was best I grabbed her hands...

"Please say you remember me... I say a prayer for you every time...I'd give anything to see you smile.." my voice came out huskily, I couldn't hold my tears back as I clutched her hands firmly... I could see them, her scars, her pretty flesh torn in ways I can't imagine

"I know, I know we pushed you into measuring yourself against irrelevant standards, we forced you to project to the world images of who you weren't, but not anymore Peach, I know that everything they want you to be is what you're dying to be and everything you are is not who you're trying to be so I'm asking your heart that is a pressed flower and a tattered bible to rise and bloom like a Lily by the waterside...." I broke out crying louder as I knelt by her side Leo came to lift me but I shoved him aside

"My knees are bent like the corner page, I'm setting my table with bread and grace, I'm putting all my hope in your collection plate and I'm asking you to brace yourself, 'cause you're bigger than this..." I felt my baby kick frantically and I felt a hand grip mine tighter I opened my eyes and it was her

"Leo..." I whispered "She moved" he was by her side in a millisecond

"Continue," he said staring at her while holding onto her other hand, meanwhile my baby wouldn't stop kicking

I took her hands and placed them on my stomach

"Do you feel it?" I asked teary-eyed

"You are Loved not just by me but by our baby unborn, you are wanted with all your insecurities, we love you even with the pretty you've burnt, you're like an angel who's battled the worst..."

She squirmed, I sat up...

"Your scars are like golden bracelets that we want to see you wear with pride, the baby wants you to live, he's fighting for you, fight peach, we want your pain, we want your demons... We don't want you to kill them, we don't want you to take them we want you like that with everything... We___We need you"


I heard the door open, I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't... I could hear voices but it sounded blurry like I was underwater...

Then I heard someone sobbing... Why was she crying, where am I now? Am I gone yet?  Images flashed in rapid processions causing a throbbing ache up there

Then I heard her say...

"My knees are bent like the corner page, I'm setting my table with bread and grace, I'm putting all my hope in your collection plate and I'm asking you to brace yourself, 'cause you're bigger than this..."

I pushed myself, I struggled to open my eyes... It was a battle between me and whatever it was... That's Ruby's voice? Yeah?

I felt her place my hand on something... It was kicking, is it the baby? OMG, he's kicking already I want to see it... I kept fighting then she said it

"Your scars are like golden bracelets that we want to see you wear with pride, the baby wants you to live, he's fighting for you, fight peach, we want your pain, we want you demons... We don't want you to kill them, we don't want you to take them we want you like that with everything"

I was wanted... I didn't want to leave any more...

Then I felt a force and my eyes burst open... I went into a coughing fit, my throat was dry, everywhere seemed too bright, and I felt shitty

"Peach baby" Who TF is that too Ruby damn how much did she cry

"Nurse!!" Leo screamed "Nurse!!"

"Can somebody get the hell in here right now!!"

A/N: (^^)(^^) Tell me how'd you feel😄😄 yeah I know I know it's kinda cliche but well I'm an amateur na ya know🙃🙃 this is my new favourite chapter...

Please vote for it, and comment on it, omg in fact you can bank on it😌

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