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                The familiar aftermath of a drunken stupor chases away my chance of going back to sleep the moment my consciousness seeps in.

"Fuck," I groan.

My throat and tongue feel so dry in my mouth as though I've swallowed a fistful of sand and another, my head pounds like it's being axed over and over with a blunt axe desperately trying to get to the center of my brain, and my body feels peculiarly heavy, too heavy to even move.

In short, I feel like shit.

With a frustrated grunt that barely passes my lips, I wait for my sight to adjust to the unforgiving bright morning light, but I'm left even more confused when my view finally comes into focus.

I have no recollection of passing out on the couch in the living area, but here I am, with a woman deep asleep on top of me who, I just realize, is the very reason why I can't move. I guess that's one thing I cross out from the list of what my hangover did cause.

All her deadweight pinning me down and her limbs entangled with mine, that it's hard to distinguish where I end and she begins, make it impossible for me to even wiggle away, leaving me no other choice but to wake her up.

"Hey, Jisoo?" I try again and again, my hoarse voice reaching the peak of its volume, but she just won't budge. Desperate, I manage to free an arm and I gently shake her shoulder, once, twice, until I wasn't being so gentle anymore, and that finally makes her stir a little.

"Jisoo, can you move? I really need to—"

"Shut up," Jisoo grumbles just clear enough for me to understand, slapping my hand away.

"Drink. I was gonna say I need to drink... I mean there are many ways to shut me up but letting me die from dehydration is a little mean, I think." I retort, but soon realize my efforts are futile when it's her soft snores that answer me. "Well, I guess not."

I chuckle feebly as my still stinging hand reaches out to tuck the strands of hair sprawled all over her face and just like always, I catch myself staring at her beauty with nothing but absolute awe.

How anyone can look this good while sleeping is beyond me. Waking up next to Jisoo happens often, but it still amazes me how she looks like an angel when she sleeps; so beautiful, so serene, so dazzling to the eyes, even more luminous than the morning sun, but never blinding.

But as much as she's pretty to look at, I really badly need a glass of water.

"Okay, let me just..." I slide my arm trapped under her to her hip, trying to be as careful as I can to move her without pushing her off this stupidly small, stuffy couch, but Jisoo stirs again and mumbles unintelligibly, nuzzling further in the crook of my neck.

"Fine, I'll stay." I take a deep breath to release a resigned sigh, but the faint scent of bacon wafts through my nose, then shoots straight to my stomach, causing the famished monster in there to growl loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood.

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