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        Scrolling mindlessly through Netflix, I wait for Jisoo to come back from the bathroom. We've just had our dinner and talked about everything we've missed about each other's lives these past few months. Well, everything if what happened between her and Suho doesn't count. It's quite obvious she still doesn't want to talk about it yet and I didn't and won't force her to.

"So, what will we watch?" I ask as soon as Jisoo occupies the other end of the couch. I'm thinking anything but romance, considering the situation she's in, but then she surprises me when she answers Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

A bittersweet romantic film, but a romantic film nonetheless? I might have raised an inquisitive brow. "You sure?"

"I said what I said. Just play it," Jisoo answers nonchalantly, so I just shrug off my disbelief and do as I'm told. Besides, it's one of my favorites, so there are no objections.

I found myself distracted, though. I keep stealing glances to check up on Jisoo but she just seems normal, very much entranced by the movie... like she's not going through anything. She could've fooled me if only she wasn't just crying earlier.

To be honest, the news still hasn't sunk in yet. They've been together for more than four years. What could've possibly gone wrong? Thinking about an answer that doesn't come, my heavy eyelids droop and I can feel myself giving in to the fatigue I've accumulated for the entire week.

"I wonder if I'd do the same," Jisoo speaks and that wakes me up. Her voice is right next to my ear, so I fathom she's moved closer to my side. "Would you?"

"Huh?" is the only response I can give with my mind still disheveled from my slumber to understand what she's asking. I take a moment to shed the sleep from my brain, noticing the credits rolling on the TV screen.

"Great, I slept through the entire movie," I groan.

"Not like you haven't seen this before," Jisoo chuckles and scoots even closer, leaning on my shoulder. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Sorry."

"It's fine," I yawn. Her hair tickles my nose when I nuzzle my cheek on her head. "What were you asking again?"

"I mean if Lacuna Inc. does exist, would you have the memories of the person you loved erased because you can't handle the pain? The person who broke your heart."

"The person who broke my heart," I muse.

She's asking me if I'd choose to forget about her. I never thought about it but now that she's made me, I realize that maybe a part of me wants the easy way out because, honestly, I'm just truly one big mess inside. I mean just hours ago, I was condemning how she is inside my personal space, but here I am now basking myself in excellence that is she.


I hear her breathe in sharply and raggedly. I do that too when I try to lessen the sting in my chest sometimes. She's hurting more than she cares to show and that's a confirmation.

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