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I drive to the nearest hospital to get Jisoo's hand checked. It's better to be sure that she broke no bones than to wait for a couple of days only for her hand to get worse. That's something we've learned the hard way.

The last time this happened was back in our first year in college (not for the lack of attempt on Jisoo's part. I've already lost count of the times I held her back.) I thought she's already way past this phase, but I'm obviously mistaken since I'm here seated beside her in a doctor's office. Again. For the same reason.

"Okay, there are no fractures, no broken bones. That's good," the doctor states, sliding the envelope with the x-ray result on the desk. "The ice pack helped with the swelling. It's a mild injury, so there's no need for a splint, but you need to rest your hand."

"Rest? For how long?" Jisoo asks, perturbed. I thought that was already obvious because, again, this isn't her first rodeo. I'm guessing she forgot about that part.

"A week at most. Just until the swelling and bruises get better. It might get worse if you move it a lot, so I suggest you rest it for faster healing," the doctor answers as she writes something down.

I watch Jisoo worry her lips. I can almost see how her mind is running full of the unfinished designs she has to push aside for later because of what happened and I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but feel guilty.

The doctor looks up, smiling politely. "Any more questions?"

Jisoo shakes her head. "No, that's all."

"Okay then," the doctor says, proceeding to explain what she's written on her prescription pad.


"This sucks," Jisoo grumbles, reading the doctor's instructions as we walk away from the hospital. "I have so many deadlines. I don't have time to rest."

"Maybe you should have thought of that first before punching him." I sigh when she glares at me. "People can call me a dyke all they want. I really couldn't care less about what they think. It isn't worth a broken hand, Jisoo."

"We've already talked about this. I don't regret what I did. Work be damned." Jisoo looks away, murmuring under her breath, as she fastens her pace. And, I can only shake my head.

"Look, I— wait, can you stop walking?" I jog after her, grabbing her elbow and halting her steps.

Jisoo turns to face me, annoyed obviously. "What? I get it. You don't like what I did, but I'd seriously do it again even if you damn well turn back time," she says sternly.

It's the stress making her react this way, I know. She's had a pretty shitty day and the delay on her projects has probably finally pushed her over the edge.

"Hey, I'm not trying to pick a fight," I heave a heavy sigh. The last thing I want to do is make her feel worse. "I think it's sweet what you did, really. But, of course, I don't like it," I say this in the gentlest way possible, swiping my thumb softly on her elbow I didn't let go of.

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