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Hey, slr, I forgot to tell you I'll be coming home late. We're nowhere near done :/

'Oh, that's fine. Just hang in there, yeah? :( ' is what I reply with as much sympathy a text can offer. I texted Lisa three hours ago to ask if she'd be home for dinner, but she just had the time to respond now. She's obviously busy and I expected that.

Lisa has been out of the apartment more than she's been in it for the past two months. The production leg of the biggest movie they have taken under their wing yet has officially begun and most weeks of those two months, she spent someplace else, filming and filming and more filming.

Even when she's just in their company's studio, it's no better. She often comes home so late I'm already asleep, then goes to work again even before I wake up.

It's insane. I don't know how she handles it. There are no fucks given to weekday and weekend distinctions in her line of work, so she hardly gets days off and when she does, she uses them to sleep in and recharge.

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I'll try my best not to hang myself, but no promises!

A soft chuckle is my prompt response, but a deep sigh quickly finds its way through my throat and a sullen smile sweeps my lips. This is pathetic, I think as my head blindly falls to the back of the couch. The ceiling catches my gaze, motionless yet distracted.

I miss her. I really miss her. And it's not helping whenever she's being a goofball.

But this is good for her, I guess.

Lisa never asked for space, but it presented itself to her nonetheless. The moment she knew she was going to be busy as hell, she actually reassured me that she won't be around much because of work; that it won't be on purpose and it has nothing to do with us. It's funny how she called me out before I had the chance to overthink things.

Not that she would've given me a chance to, because she'd always find time to respond to my messages or call me during her breaks or come home in the few times I can count in one hand to join me for dinner. She's insanely busy, but she goes out of her way to spend her precious free time (or lack thereof) with me.

But be that as it may, there's still a huge chunk of her time not spent around me and I think that's good for her because, I don't know, she's moving on? Or maybe she's already moved on. Closure was what was holding her back and she finally received that.

I mean it's Lisa. If all we have as a basis is how fast she got over her previous relationships like she's just recovering from a paper cut, she probably already did.

I don't know. I literally have no clue where she's at right now. It doesn't come up when we talk. I guess we just have more important things to talk about in the few chances we've spoken to each other, like how our day went (or week, depending on how long it's been since the last time we spoke) and who we wanted to kill that particular day and seriously considered worthy to go to jail for (that mostly just involves Lisa and someone in their production team who got under her skin.)

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