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"Oh, I didn't know you were up," I say or something that sounds like that because my mouth is actually full and I'm also a little drunk from the small party we've had with the production team after we've called it a wrap.

I look at the clock on the wall that says it's two in the morning, then back to the woman who just walked out of our room, tilting her head towards my voice.

Besides her disheveled hair from sleep, nothing else with the way Jisoo looks is normal. Drops of sweat trickle along her forehead, a full-blown scarlet color graces her cheeks and ears, her lips are dry and chapped, and the rise and fall of her chest are too irregular.

She looks too uncomfortable for comfort... and well, I panic.

"Jisoo, are you sick? Do you—"


I choke on my food, my ass sticking back on the chair at her command like magnet to metal, seriously taken aback (and also a little scared). I blink once.

Did she seriously just order me to stay? Stay???

"Oh, please, I'm not taking your food away," Jisoo huffs and rolls her eyes, before entering the restroom.

I was confused by what she meant by that until I realize that I have wrapped a protective arm around my plate. She got me acting like a damn dog.

"I thought you were gonna take away my good treat for being a bad girl!" I puff.

And despite herself, I hear chuckles behind the shut door, which is a relief because I knew then that we are okay. But, I still have no clue what that was all about. I think of anything I've done to warrant her outburst, but come up with nothing.

"So, what was your problem?" I ask when I hear the light switch off along with the gentle opening and closing of the bathroom door minutes later.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect you to be home," Jisoo vaguely answers. And my body twists just so I can look at her and shoot her a disbelieving stare.

"Really? That's the best you've got?"

Jisoo grimaces. "Shut up. I just wasn't prepared for you to see me like that."

"That," I mimic her. Speaking of, she actually looks way better now, so that tugs my curiosity even more. "Okay, but what was that all about? I thought you had a fever, you looked literally hot."

"It's nothing. Just a bad dream." Jisoo tries to flip it off, but the blush rising from her neck isn't as nonchalant as her shrug.

"Dream? What dream? How bad—?"

And then, I gasp. I guess something in the way my face lights up tells Jisoo that I figured it out because she raises a threatening finger. "Don't. Just don't."

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