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              Seoul Homes lists the best apartments available in the market, well supposedly, but I'm here staring as vacant as the places listed on my computer screen after crossing all of them out in my head because none of the 'best' is good enough.

I groan, my elbows on the table, palms holding the weight of my head, fingers pressing my temples. "Are all the good ones really taken already?"

"Not me, last time I checked." Lisa has sneaked behind me and whispers in my ear.

"Jesus! Fuck!" I jolt hard, my hand clasps on my chest. Lisa laughs like crazy. "I will kill you!"

I exclaim that but my body sinks into her hug like it's second nature when she circles her long limbs around my neck. She just came back from work and out of the shower. Her wet hair drips cold water through my shirt, and usually, I would be annoyed, but I'm too comfortable to complain right now.

"Oh, you meant apartments," Lisa says when her laughter dies off, her chin on my head. "These seem pretty decent to me. You're just too picky, Jisoo. And that's not a bad thing."

"Not a bad thing?" I ask, tilting my head up a bit so I can look at her.

Lisa just winks and smiles so wide, her cheekbones pop. "Anyway, enough of that. I've got a better plan to spend the night."

Her lips lightly brush my forehead, so light it felt as though she just breathed on it before she stands straight again and slams my laptop shut. She proceeds to the kitchen and pops a bottle of wine she bought on the way home for no reason.

"You were actually serious? Why?"

"Yeah? Should there be any other reason besides I want to be wine drunk with you?"

Lisa rolls her eyes all the way to the back of her head when I just stare at her with incredulity and amusement. She almost stomps like a little girl, one hand holding the bottle and two wine glasses and the other now grasping my wrist, pulling me with her to the couch.

"You have work tomorrow."

"I know, but please?"

Lisa huffs through her nose and pouts like a baby, and a smile spreads on my face. She reminds of those underground tunnels I see in the movies where there are different paths to choose from and they lead you to different exits — from the hustle and bustle of the city streets, to a house cradling a family of four, or to the creepy alleyway somewhere no one ever dares go to. It's so random, each of them a surprise, and that's what makes it compelling.

Lisa's personality is just like that. She can be mature. She can be playful and fun. She can be scary and intimidating (oh god, it's true when they say you should be afraid when nice people are mad). But in the series of her tunnels I'm pretty sure I've all already wandered into, there's one hidden path that I found, that only I can have access to, that she only gave access to me even if she's maybe unaware of it.

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