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           People watching has always been entertaining for me, but today, it's even more interesting. Walking down the hallway, I see a girl, sitting by the corner, in a staring contest with her laptop screen as if that would hasten the rendering of her video. Beside her is a group of students arguing and talking over each other while the professor they cornered narrowly slips away without their knowledge. I laugh to myself, wondering how long it'll take for them to notice.

I continue to look around, observing the people I walk past. The school hallway is quite different today in the sense that it's kind of divided into two— heaven and hell. Each person either is in complete chaos or at absolute peace. No purgatory, no in-between. It is the last week of the school year so everyone either has something to be worried about or none at all.

As for myself, I can proudly say that I belong to the latter because I've finally taken care of all the requirements I need to graduate. The past few months have been the most hectic and stressful part of my college life and I'm just glad it's over. I had a lot of things on my plate that I had no time for anything else. I haven't even been on a single date since Joy and I broke up and that was 4 months ago.

Four months... I've been dry for four fucking months. I can't-

"Believe!" I gasp out the last of my thoughts as the door in front of me suddenly flies open. My hand reflexively shoots up, stopping it just inches away from hitting my face. "Be careful, damn it!"

The culprit steps out from behind the door and whatever it is she was about to say dies in her throat. She just stands there gaping like a fish when she sees me.

"Joy," I blurt out in shock of seeing the subject of my thoughts materialize before me. "What are you doing here?"

Not that I care, I just didn't expect to run into her here. Although we're in the same university, we belong in different departments. Her building is literally on the other side of the campus, so the chances were next to none.

"Just had something to, uh, take care of," Joy stammers, waving her portfolio. She clears her throat. "Um... I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Yeah." I nod as my palm loses its prickling numbness from the impact. "I'm fine. You barely did any damage."

Joy flinches a little and I swallow down the laugh that threatens to escape at how obviously more uncomfortable she becomes. I wasn't implying anything, I swear, but I guess the shoe fits.

This is the first time we talked since we broke up and I really couldn't care less about her at all now, but it's fun seeing her clown herself like this. So, have I moved on? Yes, definitely and quickly. They say it's odd how I get over my breakups so fast, but it's just the way I am. I cry my heart's out, then move on with my life.

"Right," I break the awkward silence. "I'll go ahead. Just be careful next time."

"Wait." Joy grabs my elbow as I'm about to pass her, her eyes glued on the floor, biting her lip like how she does when she's nervous. "Can we talk?"

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