Chapter 5

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 Feeling my heart rate pick up, I motion for him to wait while I get myself a cup of water. I have a feeling I'm going to need that. "Please, continue," I say that not knowing that the thing that will be said next will make all the color drain from my face and make me lose consciousness. "I know that because I was the one who adopted them." And after that, I feel the world turn black.

Eliza's pov. 

Opening my eyes, I sigh in relief and sit up. Thank God it was all a dream! "Ahem..." Hearing that, I immediately turn to my right only to see him sitting there, staring right at me. "Good, you're awake!" Feeling tears pooling into my eyes, I ask frantically. "Please, tell me it was a bad dream!" Shaking his head, he says. "It's real." That's all it takes for me to start crying and screaming. "Please! Please! Don't do it, I beg you! I promise I'll do anything you ask but please, let me be the one to adopt them!" His face morphs into an angry expression. "Shut up! I just put them to sleep. Do you want them to wake up and hear you?! Or do you want them to see you in this state?!" Laying back down to the now messy bed, I let out a sigh. "Losing them will kill me." "Shouldn't you be happy that they're finally gonna have a parent?" I'm surprised he heard that. I nod. Sitting back up making the covers fall to the side, I stare right into his eyes and say. "It's bittersweet. I'm happy that they're finally gonna have a nice life and a parent in their lives. But, I wished that I would be the one to offer them that. The funny thing is that I was finally going to go through with it. I guess life works in mysterious ways."I say the last part more to myself.

Motioning for him to hold on, I head to the bathroom to pull myself together. "You're here to take them away, aren't you?" Seeing him nod makes me almost fall to the floor, but I manage to stabilize myself by holding on to the wall. "I know that what's done is done. I can't change that. I have to accept that. But please, I'm begging you. Let me spend this Christmas with them! I promise to not trouble you again after that. I want to part ways with them properly. At least give me that. And you can even spend the holidays with us!" "I can't do that, and you know it. I want to spend the holidays with them like a family. Besides, we both know that spending more time with them will make them both more emotionally attached to you. It will make it even harder to separate you." I know that I do. Maybe, subconsciously, that's what I want to do. But I know that nothing is going to change, but I need to spend some time with them before they get taken away from me, even though I know it will only be harder for me to say goodbye after that.

"And then what? Do you think that you're just going to say <<Hey, I'm your new dad!>> and they're just going to accept you like that?" "They're clever kids, and they'll understand. I will also have psychologists with me to support them when I tell them. I have everything planned, you only have to give them to me now. I'm leaving here with them, no matter what you do. You know that you can't prevent from doing that, or else I will call the cops, and then things will turn ugly. I'm sure you don't want that." Going right in front of the armchair he is sitting, I kneel. "Please, give me more time! Can't you see me begging you?! How can you be so heartless?! I even suggested you spend the holidays with us. I never deprived you of this right. So, please don't that to me. Only for the next few days, and then I will permanently be out of your hair, and you won't hear from me again!" Sighing, he nods, and I jump up and hug him. "Now, don't get too carried away! The day after Christmas, I'm taking them away, and I don't want you protesting and crying when that happens." He warns me, but I don't pay attention to anything he says.

Hearing little footsteps, I step back and head out of the bedroom, thinking that Christian is awake and probably lost. "Hey, sleepyhead!" I grin, picking him up, and quickly kiss his forehead. "How did you sleep?" "Amazing! It was the nicest bed!" "That's great to hear. Is your sister awake yet?" Shaking his little head, but then his cute face changes into his thinking face. "Is the nice man here?" "The what?" I say, perplexed. "The tall one!" Finally understanding who he was talking about, I let out an angry sigh. Damn! I almost forgot about him! "Of course he's here, honey. He wouldn't leave you two without saying bye! Why don't you call for him?" "Mister!" He yells, and Alexius is out of the bedroom and right in front of him in not even a minute. "Hey, little man!" Coming closer, making me think that he is going to kiss me, my heart rate picks up, and I feel sparks. Why is this happening to me? "What are you doing? Are you crazy?" I mouth to him. Ignoring me completely, he continues coming closer, to the point that we're almost going to kiss me if it wasn't for Christian separating us. He kisses Christian on his forehead and then steps back.

Hearing noises from one of the guest rooms and figuring that if Calista wasn't awake now, she definitely is now, I say. "Why don't you two help yourselves to some cookies while I get Calista?" Christian quickly nods his head. Probably the cookies got him this excited. Placing him into Alexius' arms, I don't give him a chance to say anything to me and head to the room right next to mine. "Good morning, pretty girl!" Picking her up, I cuddle her closer to me, thinking that if I pull away from her, she'll disappear. Saying something that I definitely didn't catch, I nod as if I can understand her. "Let's go get some cookies. I'm sure with those two, nothing will be left for us if we don't hurry." Smiling and reaching her arms out as if asking for cookies, I take her back down and to the kitchen. Seeing both boys eating cookies and talking as if they knew each other makes me get scared. But I feel something else, something that I haven't felt before. Something peculiar, it seems like longing for something. But what?

Taking a seat with Calista on my lap, I help myself to some cookies while feeding Calista in the process. In the middle of eating while speaking about trucks and superheroes, Calista starts jumping up and down in my lap, holding her arms out towards Alexius. Him seeing that, he immediately takes her from me and into his lap while kissing her forehead. What comes from my mouth next makes me want to punch myself in the face.

"How would you like for Mister Alexius to spend Christmas here with us?"


Double update again! Who would have guessed? I guess everyone since I told you. I hope you liked this chapter! If you did, please vote and comment. Let's not waste time. You should read the next chapter. That's when the romance starts! I'll see you again in the next chapter. See ya!

 See ya!

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