Chapter 16

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Eliza's pov

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Eliza's pov.

Wakening up the next morning lying on the floor, I feel sore. No wonder. Proceeding to the bathroom and staring myself into the reflector, my eyes are swollen, and there are dry tears on my face. I feel as if all my energy was drained out last night. That's what happens when you spend all night crying your heart out. I don't know if he spent the night here, but I dread stumbling upon him. I'll burst into cries, and that will be mortifying.

Leaving the room, I go downstairs and to the kitchen without coming across him. Getting to the kitchen, I make myself some tea to calm me down. I suppose he left. I was hoping that he'll approach me and apologize. But that never occurred. Yet, I'm still in love with him, and that'll never change. I don't want it to change. I know that he's the one for me, and I think he knows that too but is too afraid of admitting it to himself.

I should probably check the kids. It's way past their awakening time. I'm surprised they aren't making any noise. Opening the door and seeing the room empty, my heart stops. He took them away without even informing. He just got up and left with them. I assume he thought I would hold them back, especially now that I have confessed my feelings. He doesn't know me. I would never do that. I wouldn't go back on my words.

Hearing the doorbell, my heart wants to believe that he's the one behind the door, but my mind knows that it's only hopeless dreaming. Well, for once, my heart is right. He's standing here, in front of me, with a smile that makes my heart skip every time. "What are you doing here?" I ask him while looking everywhere but him. I can't look him in the eyes because every time I do so, I stutter my words and can't say what I feel.

"I came here to see you, of course. Can I come in?" I nod, not understanding where this is heading. "Why are you here?" I ask again, and he stares at me bewildered. "I came here to see you." "Then, why did you take the kids from here?" Understanding what I'm thinking, he shakes his head. "I didn't take them away from you. I just took them to my parents to spend the day there. Maybe we could go out and spend the day together." I look at him, puzzled. Why would he want to go out with me when he has been ignoring me all this time? "Why?" "I want to go on a date with you. So get yourself into something casual, and let's go." I nod my head and run to my bedroom.

" I nod my head and run to my bedroom

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