Chapter 11

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"Are you sure that nothing's going between you? You are not in a relationship, are you?" She asks, making both me and Alexius freeze. What do we say now?

Eliza's pov.

What do we say now? We definitely didn't think that something like this would happen, so we aren't prepared. "As of now, we aren't a couple," Alexius says. "Should we head to the table?" I say, trying to break the ice. I'm seriously wondering if the fact that we're not in a relationship made her happy. I hope not! All of us head to the dining room, which Alexius decorated beautifully.

Bringing the starters out, we all start eating while making small talk. They're pleasant to talk to. I didn't expect that. I expected something like Alexius in the beginning, more cold and reserved. I'm surprised to find out that the company that Alexius is now the CEO of was created by him when he was still in college. Most people in this industry, like my dad, inherited their company, so It was really inspiring to meet someone who achieved that.

After finishing dinner, his mother says. "So you did an all-Greek menu?" I nod confidently. They seemed to enjoy it, and there wasn't one person that didn't finish all his food. "Yes, ma'am. I love Greek cuisine, and I figured you will also enjoy it." Smiling at me, making me sigh in relief, she nods. "We did enjoy that." All of the men, along with the kids, go to the living room to have a drink while his mother stays back, helping me clean the table. "You don't have to do that. You should go and relax. I'll clean it up, and then I'll join you." "Of course not, I will help you. I can understand how exhausting it would have been cooking all that is such short notice, so I might as well help you out a little bit. Besides, it's a good way to get to know each other better. I want to know the person that my son and grandchildren are staying with."

Once the dining room is clean, we head to the kitchen. "I can't thank you enough! But you shouldn't have. You are the guest!" "Don't even mention it." While loading the dishwasher, she starts asking questions. " What do you think about my son?" "Excuse me?" "I asked your opinion about Alexius" I can tell that she's not going to let it go unless I answer her, so I try to be as neutral as possible. "He's a really nice man. You definitely raised him well." Which is true. They definitely did. "Do you like him?" "Of course I do. As I said before, he is a nice man, and I definitely enjoy his company." "I don't mean like that." I know what you mean, but I can't just say that I like him and that I'm in a relationship with him. "Then what do you mean, ma'am?" "Please don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old. What I mean is if you see him as boyfriend material." "As Alexius previously said, as of now, we're not in a relationship."

She leaves it at that, and we continue cleaning while making small talk. Heading to the living room when we are done, both Christian and Calista are asleep on Xavier's lap. They warmed up to them pretty quickly! "Let me put them to sleep, and I'll be right back." "I'll help you." Alexius offers and takes Calista, following up the stairs. "Did my mum say anything to you?" "Like what?" I ask him while covering the kids with the blankets, and we both kiss their foreheads good night. "Did she pester you about our relationship?" I nod. "She did, but I told her exactly what you said at the table. I think that she knows." "They all do. Both my brother and dad kept sending knowing looks my way. They even asked me what I think of you." I nod. "We should go back before they think that we're doing anything."

"You're not going to give me a kiss?" He asks, fake pouting. "Don't do that. You look weird!" He looks funny. It makes me want to burst into laughter. "But what about my kiss? It's been a few hours since you last kissed me!" "No, Alexius!" I say sternly. I miss kissing him, but if we're late, then they'll think that we had sex. The least I want is for them to think that I'm a slut. "You can have all the kisses you want, but after they have left. We're already late, and they will think that we had sex." "Let them speculate about everything they want. I'm with you, and if you gave me the green light, I would tell them about us. I want to tell everyone about us!" "No! Not until we're sure of our feelings."

Damn! He looks pissed off! I've seen that look a few times, and each time I get scared. "I don't understand why we have to do all this hiding and pretending! People get into relationships all the time. What's so different about us?" "Everything! Can't you see that?! We have two sweet souls depending on us. The last thing I want is to give them false hope!" "You still don't trust me. You still don't have faith in our relationship." I've never seen him devastated. This look catches me off guard. It's a look that I don't want to see him wear. "Look, I don't want to do this now. I trust you, and I have faith in our relationship. To prove it to you, if they ask us again about our relationship, I will tell them the truth. That you and I are a couple." "You'll really do that?" I nod. "But please, let's go back now." He nods and quickly kisses me before I can't even react. "Alexius!" To which he laughs and storms off, leaving me smiling to myself like an idiot. He is the best kiss I've ever had!

Going to the living room thinking that he will be there, I don't see him anywhere. Where did he go? "I'm sorry for being late. I got the kids ready for bed, and it took some time, seeing as they were asleep." They all smile at me. Hopefully, a genuine smile. "Where is Alexius?" "We thought he was with you." "He was, but he wanted to go to the bathroom. I haven't seen him ever since." "Maybe he wanted to pull himself together after the kiss you two shared!" Sebastian says with a smirk. He saw us! And Alexius is nowhere to be found, leaving me to deal with his family. "Well, we-"


It's Friday! Gosh, it's been a long week. Now the weekend is here. We're only about four weeks away from Christmas! I hope that reading this story will help you fantasize about your ideal way of celebrating Christmas. I know it's harder now with the pandemic, but doing that'll definitely help get through this difficult time. I hope you loved this chapter. If you did, please vote and comment your thoughts down below. I hope I'll see you again tomorrow with another update. Until then, I hope you're staying safe. Good night!

 Good night!

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