Chapter 23

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Looking around, I spot Alexius standing next to a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. When he knows I'm watching, he takes something from a branch. It's a ring. Walking towards me, he kneels in front of me, opening the box that contains the ring. In the box lies the most magnificent ring I've ever seen. It's seriously astounding.

"Will you, Eliza Lux Johnson, do me the honor and stay by my side forever?"

  Eliza's pov.

Tears are pooling in my eyes. Happy tears. "Are you sure?" I ask him, and he nods. "More than anything in the world!" "Yes! Of course, I'll marry you!" I cry and jump into his awaiting arms. Putting the ring on my finger, he pulls me in a hug spinning me around. I squeal happily. Setting me back on the floor, we go to where Calista and Christian are sitting staring at us lovingly. Taking them into our arms, we hug like a family.

We're gonna be a family! The dream that I had since I was a little girl is coming true. Before Christmas, I was a single woman who only worked and occasionally went out with a few friends. But now, I'm an engaged woman with two angels as my children. It's way more than I've ever imagined.

Looking into his eyes, I can spot the happiness and the love he holds for me. That's something that I would have never thought I'll find, yet I did. Grabbing his hand in mine, I squeeze it. He smiles at me and kisses me quickly.

"I need to call my parents! And Oph! Oh, my gosh! I can't believe this is happening!" "You don't need to call them! They're aware of all of this. Both your and my family. They helped me put everything together!"

Noticing that the kids are asleep, Alexius motions for me to follow him out. "Let's put them to bed. They can sleep in their new bedroom." Putting them to bed, we pull the covers over their little bodies and kiss their foreheads. "Good night! Have sweet dreams!" I whisper. Walking out of the room hand in hand, we walk to the living room and lay on the couch, with my head on his lap and his fingers playing with my hair.

"When do you want us to get married?" "As soon as possible, why?" I ask, looking at him. "I thought we could get married on New Years's Eve. It would be the best way to start the new year." "Isn't that too soon, though? The New Year is only four days away, and there are so many things to do!" "Don't worry!" He says, brushing the hair out of my face. "You don't have to worry about any of it. The only thing you need to do is look for a wedding dress. I'll hire a wedding planner to plan the rest of it."

This is way too rushed! But to be honest, I don't want to wait any longer. I don't need a big fancy wedding with many guests. All I need is our families and friends to be there for us on that big day. "Let's do this!" I grin at him. "I love you so much!" He says, kissing me. "I can't wait to call you my wife and wake up every day with you next to me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life next to you!" "I can't wait either!" I whisper to him and feel my darkness surround me.

Waking up to Alexius playing with my hair, I turn to my side and stare at him. "Look who's awake! You fell asleep, sleepyhead!" I pout and say. "You lured me to sleep! Playing with my hair makes me relaxed and sleepy. You should have known that!" He laughs, still gazing at me.

"While you were asleep, I made some calls. I hired a wedding planner for us. She'll be here first thing in the morning!" "But, we're not going back home? All of our stuff is still there." Grabbing my hand, he kisses it. "This is our house now. I ordered my guys to bring all of our belongings here." I nod and sit up, stretching.

"Shouldn't we go to sleep? It's half-past three o'clock!" To which he shakes his head. "There is some stuff I need to get done so that I can spend all my time with you." I nod and stand up. "I'll be going to bed then. Good night!" I bend down and kiss him. Turning to walk away, he pats my butt. I swat his hand and hiss at him playfully. "You little! Ugh!"

Laying on the bed, I keep turning, not being to fall asleep. It's funny how destiny brought us together. You might fall for the person you least expect to fall for. And it all happens in the spar of a moment. I can't even remember how we started, and now we're engaged to be married with two kids. I wish every day keeps getting better and better! For all of me, but all of us. Our dreams can come true, but we have to be willing to chase them. Thankfully, I didn't back down from my dreams! Now, I'm feeling so happy. I have never felt so happy!


I'm really sorry for being absent this week! To be honest, this past has been stressful for me. A little too stressful! Just for these few days, I want to relax and recharge. I still have many things to deal with, but I'll get better. I hope you loved this chapter! I'll try to be on time with everything from now onwards. Thank you so much for reading. Bye!


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