Chapter 21

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"Open this!" He says, pointing to a black folder on the bed. "What's that?" I ask curiously. "Open it, and you'll find out." It reminds me of the folder that he showed me the first time we met.    "It's a house!"

Eliza's pov.

I look at him surprised. "Why did you buy a house when you already have one?" "For us." He says boldly. "I want all of us to live in this house, together? That's it if you want to." "How long has it been since you've started planning all of this?" "Since we started being a couple." My eyes widen. "That long! But you didn't know if you loved me." Shaking his head negatively, he says. "Somehow, I knew from the moment I saw you in my office. I wanted to make you mine but I was a coward and didn't make a move on you." Smiling big, I pull him in for a hug. "I'm so happy!" I whisper to him. "Is that a yes, then?" "I think so." He spins me around, making me laugh. 

Setting me back on the floor, he hugs me. "Are you smelling my hair?" Laughing at my confused expression, he kisses me quickly. "I love your scent. You smell like strawberries." Pulling away, I open the folder so that I can get a better look at the house.

" Pulling away, I open the folder so that I can get a better look at the house

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 "It's gorgeous. But isn't it too big?" "Do you know how many kids I want to have?" I shake my head. "At least four. This might not even enough to fit all of us!" Four kids?!" I ask him mortified. "The minimum." "Thank God it won't be me!" I say and try to escape from his hold, but not succeeding. "Now that you're mine I wouldn't let you go. Not in a million years." 

I don't regret loving him. I can't say I was miserable in my life. But I always felt like something was missing. I wanted to find that one true love and as time was passing, I grew more and more disappointed. That was until Alexis stormed into my life like a hurricane, changing everything in it. "When are we moving into the new house?" "Whenever you want." He shrugs. "The house is fully furnished. All you have to bring with you are your stuff." "But what about this house?" "You can do whatever you want with it. You can sell it or keep it. It's up to you."

I don't think I would have the heart to sell it. It holds many memories. "Calista and Christian will be so excited!" He nods, smiling. "I'm glad that you're happy! It warms my heart!" Pulling him to the bed, we lay on the bed wrapped in each other's arms, still in our previous clothes. "Why did you fall for me in the first place?" I ask, looking into his eyes. "I don't know. You were like a firecracker. You made me mad, but at the same time, you were so amusing. What did you think of me when you met me?" "I did think you were hot and really handsome. But, I also thought you were cold and heartless." He looks hurt. I can feel him pull away from me a little bit. "That was then. I don't think of you like that. I mean, I do think you're hot and handsome, but you're more than that. You're so warm and kind. You're thoughtful and romantic. You are amazing!" I say, holding his face into my hands. 

"I love you." He breathes out. "I love you so much!" "I love you, too," I whisper to him, kissing him deeply. Pulling away, we stay like we were, both enjoying the comforting silence. "What are you thinking?" "I was thinking of how will our life be in a few years. Maybe with more kids running around, driving us crazy." We both laugh wholeheartedly. "That would be amazing!

My mind drifts back to today's events. Back to Kenneth and Ophelia, and their <<fight>>. "By the way, did you find anything from Kenneth?" He shakes his head. "Not much. But I know something is going on there. He has the hots for her." Clapping my hands, I can feel my excitement rising. "They would make such a cute couple!" "Don't get too ahead of yourself. Kenneth is stubborn, and it will take some time for him to accept and confess his feelings." "Whatever you say," I say, resting my head on his chest. I feel my eyes closing while I'm trying to keep them open. "Go to sleep. You're tired." Alexius whispers, kissing my temple. "But I haven't changed. I haven't even taken off my makeup!" "It's okay for it to happen once. Just relax and go to sleep. You'll worry about all of that tomorrow."

Nodding my head slightly, I snuggle closer to him. "Good night, baby," I whisper just as my eyes close. "Good night, love. I love you." He says, making a smile overtake my whole face. God, I love this man. Please help us last forever.


I'm back a little late. I'm really sorry about that. It's just that my life is a mess right now and my mental state is the same. I'm back, though. With a shorter chapter but I'm still happy that I'm here. I hope you loved it. Thank you for reading. Please take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. Don't let anyone bring your mood down. I'll see you again tomorrow, hopefully. Good night!

 Good night!

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