Chapter 19

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Eliza's pov

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Eliza's pov.

"Christmas!" I hear giggles and the bed moving. Opening my eyes, groaning, I see two little angels bouncing on the bed. "How did you two get in here?" I tickle their tummies, making them burst into laughter. "I brought them." I see Alexius leaning on the wall, staring at us, amused. "You won't join us?" Thinking about it, he jumps on the bed right next to me. Calista scream excitingly, what I presume, is. "Gifts!" and Christian nods excitingly. "I guess we should get up. They're getting impatient."

Walking to the living room in only our pajamas, we take a seat on the floor, right in front of the tree. Seeing the many presents that Alexis and I bought, their eyes light up. "Choose one." I urge them. Christian chooses one of the biggest ones, while Calista points to one of the small ones. Alexius helps Christian open his gift while Calista and I wait for them."Look! It's a Christmas village!" He nods, looking at it in awe.

"Look! It's a Christmas village!" He nods, looking at it in awe

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Helping Calista open her little present, my anxiety hits red. I watch her stare at it and then smile brightly. Showing it to the other two, they also smile. It's a picture of all of us. There's one for you, Christian. You can put it in your new room." I say, unwrapping the one that belongs to Christian and showing it to them. Calista lightly pulls my arm. "What is it?" I kiss her forehead. "Mama! Dada!" She says, pointing to Alexius and me in the picture. She just said her first word! "Did you hear that, or are my ears playing me?" I turn to Alexius, who is as surprised as I am. Even Christian is gazing at her in wonder. But there's a hint of something in his eyes, a hint of hope. I've seen that before, so I recognize it immediately. He's hoping for a family.

Feeling someone grabbing my hand, I look down to see Alexius' hand holding mine. He's as happy as we all are. "Yes, baby. We are your mama and dada." Alexius says and pulls all of us into a hug. Pulling away, tears fall from my eyes. "Sad?" Christian asks, wiping a tear away. "No, baby. These are happy tears." He nods, still confused. "Let's open the rest of the presents." I clap my hands. The rest of the presents were basically toys, clothes, and children's books. Alexius and I decided that we will exchange presents privately, so there weren't any presents for us.

After cooking, I help Christian and Calista get ready. I then go to my room to get ready. Walking into my walk-in closet, I look for a dress to wear tonight. "You should wear this one." "Ahh!" I scream. I turn around to see Alexius standing there in his suit. "You scared me!" "I'm sorry, baby." He says, pulling me in for a kiss. "You clean up well!" I say, pulling away to take a better look at him. "I know." "You're so full of yourself!" He shrugs. "You should wear this dress." He says, pointing to the gold dress. "Isn't it too much, though?" He shakes. "You'll look breathtaking!" I kiss and then push him away. "Leave. I need to get ready." "You know, I've seen you in less." Glaring at him, he puts his hands up as if he surrenders.

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"Just as I told you!" Alexius says as I walk down the stairs

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"Just as I told you!" Alexius says as I walk down the stairs. I kiss him lightly and then pick up Calista. "I think Calista and Christian have stolen the show today. Don't you agree?" And they both nod. Hearing the doorbell ring, Alexius says. "I'll get it." Seeing him coming back with both our parents, I go and hug each one of them, with Calista still in my arms. My mum takes Calista away from me, and Norah picks up Christian. My dad and Xavier place a big bag of presents each under the Christmas tree. Hugging Xavier, I then proceed to my dad. Placing a kiss on his cheek, I hug him tightly. "I missed you, dad." "I missed you too, princess." Pulling away from me, he turns to Alexius. "Have you been treating my daughter nicely?" He askes sternly. To Alexius, I think he looks scary, but for me, he looks, kinda, funny.

"Yes, sir." My dad looks pleased with his answer. "Then welcome to the family, son." Shaking hands, they take a seat and start talking about business. The doorbell rings once again, so I excuse myself to answer the door. Opening the door, I see three males standing on the other side. One of them is familiar. "Hello, Sebastian," I say, hugging him. "Hello. Please, come in." Stepping aside, I smile at them. Smiling back, they come in. I think that they might be the best friends he was talking about. They look nice.

"Eliza, come here! There are some people I would like you to meet." Alexius yells from the living room. Walking in, I stand next to him. "Kenneth, Augustus. This is my girlfriend, Eliza." He says, motioning to the two guys standing next to Sebastian. "Love, these are my best friends, Augustus and Kenneth." "Nice to meet you," I say, extending my hand for them to shake. Kenneth shakes it, but Augustus pulls me in for a hug, taking me by surprise. "It's nice to finally know the girl that made Alex whipped!" "Thank you?" I look at the floor, blushing.

Alexius pulls me to his inside while glaring at his friend. "Ignore him." He whispers in my ear. I nod and kiss his cheek. "I'm going to get everything ready. We'll start once Oph is here." He nods. Taking Calista from my mum since she starts whining, I make my way to the kitchen. Getting the table ready, I hear the doorbell. This time, I know it's Oph. Opening the door, I pull her in for a hug. "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas!"She responds, taking Calista from me.

Going to the living room, everybody has taken a seat. Oph first goes to my parents to greet them. Greeting everyone except Alexius's friends, she goes to greet them, but when she sees Kenneth, she frozes. "You!" She screams, surprised. All of us, except those two, look at them confused.


I'm back with chapter 19! I'm sorry for being late. It was a big weekend and a hard one at that. I didn't have time to update as much as I would like to. For that, I'm really sorry. I promise to make it up to you! Thank you so much for reading. I'll see you again tomorrow. Good night!

 Good night!

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