Chapter 8

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"If you don't want us to be nothing more than acquaintances, then stop keep leading me on!" He whispers, loud enough for me to hear, and pulls his hand away from mine and onto the steering wheel.

Eliza's pov.

"There's Mickey and Minnie!" Christian says excitingly while pointing to the figures. I swear it keeps getting better and better. All the Christmas lights and decorations are enough to make a child jump from excitement. I'm twenty-four, and I got excited! If only things were better between me and Alexius! "I'll take Christian, and you take Calista." He says, getting out of the car not giving me a chance to reply. "Please, don't be like that. Let's have a nice time and enjoy this time with them. I promise we'll talk when we get back. We'll solve everything."These days I tend to plead a lot. The orphanage, the kids, and now this. I guess it's in my blood. Unlike what Shawn Mendes said.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Both Calista and Christian point to the Mickie and Minnie figures. "Can we go see them?" He says for both of them. "Sure, why not?" Moving closer, we admire the figures. They look so real it's so scary! "Let's take a picture." Going to one of the passers-by, which happens to be a family, I ask if they could photograph us, to which she replied with an of course. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turn to Alexius only to see him staring at the camera. Who touched me? Turning around to the figures, I notice a tiny movement. "Did you see that?" "See what?" "They moved!" I say, pointing to the figures. Alexius looks at me like I'm crazy while the other family gives me a knowing smile. "Fine," I say and pose for a picture, only to feel it once again. I ignore it, but the third time it happens, I turn quickly. "See! They're moving!" To which everyone starts laughing while the only two that aren't laughing are Christian and Calista, and that's only because they were too busy staring at the now moving cartoon figures. "Stop laughing at me!" I say, obviously irritated.

"Can we take a picture with you?" They nod and help us step on the platform. With me next to Minnie and Alexius, right next to Mickie and a kid each, we take the picture. After thanking both the family and the people in the costumes, we continue to the next activity: making an ornament. "Follow me." Leading them to the booth, we take a seat with Calista in my lap and Christian in his. "We will be making ornaments! And when we're home, we'll put them on the tree. How about that?" With both kids screaming from excitement, we start making our ornaments. I hope my artistic skills won't let me down. It will be a great way to impress him. "Well, princess. What do you want to draw?" To which she replies something that sounded like Frosty. "You want to draw Frosty the Snowman?" She nods. Grabbing one Christmas ball and a brush, I take her hand in mine. "Let's do this together, okay?" Drawing the snowman, I occasionally steal some glances at the other two. I can't make out what they're drawing, but whatever that is, Christian seems to be loving it, judging by the look on his face. "You're doing amazing, baby!" Kissing her temple, we continue our artwork.

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"Let's show each other what we made!" Holding up his ornament, Christian shows me his and Alexius' work

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"Let's show each other what we made!" Holding up his ornament, Christian shows me his and Alexius' work. "Woah, buddy! What did you draw?" "Rudolf!" They did an amazing job! I didn't know that Alexius had it in him. I wouldn't have guessed that the cold billionaire Alexius King is artistic! But then, there are so many things I didn't know about him, and I still don't. He's not as I thought. Come to find out I like him. "This is beautiful! It would look amazing on the tree. Good job!" Turning to Calista, I see her staring at their ornament in admiration. "Should we show them ours, princess?" Nodding her head excitingly, she holds it up as much as she can while I assist her in case it falls. "We drew Frosty the Snowman. Do you like it?" And they both nod. "It looks fantastic, Calista. You're a real artist, aren't you?" Alexius says while staring adoringly at her.

After Alexius paid for the handmade ornaments, to which he kept insisting, we go to take a picture with Santa. Placing both kids on his lap, he smiles fatherly at them. This man has been a Santa at this festival for quite some time now. I have been going to this festival since I was nine years old, and I remember every Christmas coming here and sitting on his lap, telling him what I want for Christmas. He's a sweet, old, man, and you can tell by his behavior that he truly loves kids. "What are your names?" "I'm Christian, and this is my sister, Calista!" Christian says excitingly. "Beautiful names! Tell me, Christian. Have you been a good boy this Christmas?" Nodding his head, he says something that makes all of us laugh, including the Santa."I have. You can ask Ms. Eliza. I always eat my food and go to bed when I'm told!" "They've both been good!"

"Well, Christian, what do you want Santa to bring you?" Santa asks. "Can I say it to your ear?" He nods, and then Christian leans to whisper his wish. When he pulls back, Santa looks at us knowingly, leaving both me and Alexius confused. What did he wish about? "Well, what about you, dear Calista?" Now, talking to the sweet little girl, looking at him with love. She says something that I didn't quite catch, and I don't think that Santa did either, but he plays it off. "I'm sure Santa will bring it to you! Now, how about a picture?" We nod, and a woman dressed as an elf goes to the camera. 'Why don't you two join us?" We nod and stand right next to him, smiling at the camera. After taking the picture and thanking them both, we take the kids and leave.

"I think we should head back. They seem tired." I say to him, seeing both kids laying on our chest with their little eyes half-way closed. He nods, but the Christian starts protesting. " But I don't want to leave!" "Little man, you're tired, and so is your sister. We'll go rest, and we'll come back another day!" Getting the confirmation he wanted from Alexius he then drifts off to sleep just like his sister did a few moments ago.

After arriving home and putting them in their pajamas and down for a nap. We head to the living room. Feeling the awkwardness, I try to break the ice by suggesting making hot chocolate. "No, thank you. I'm fine." Nodding to him, I take a seat on the couch. Silence is all you can hear. I want to talk things out with him, but I'm quite scared of the outcome. "You wanted to talk. Well, talk."


I'm back, and I missed you! This chapter was cute, and both Calista and Christian were adorable! I think that Eliza and Alexius bonded too. But what do you think? Please tell me your opinion down below. I hope you liked this chapter as much as I did. I hope you're staying safe during this pandemic! I'll see you again tomorrow with another update. Goodnight!


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