Chapter seven

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*♡  Ellie ♡*

Sitting cross legged on my bed, I flip through the settings on my new camera. Yesterday, my father took me to the local electronics store to buy me one as a late Christmas present. Since I barely sleep, I had more than enough time to do some research. The pricy Canon in my hands feels like the only thing keeping me somewhat grounded to earth.

Good thing I didn't join my parents for Christmas dinner at my aunt Celeste's a month ago. The prying eyes and inevitably questions would've been unbearable. Besides, I wasn't exactly in the mood for Yuletide, so I spent the day in bed thinking about the merry times Tex and I would've had. What a day that could've been ...

"Tex!" I jump on the bed and kneel down next to him, whisper-shouting excitedly, "Wake up. It's Christmas."

He grumbles and opens one eye to peek at the alarm clock. "It's eight in the damn morning on a Saturday. Come back to bed."

I swat away his grabby hands. "I can't."

"Why not?" Both eyes open and a little pout appears. "Just get your ass under the covers and lie with me."

Tempting but not just yet.

"I lit candles and laid out a Christmas spread. I've got chocolate chip flapjacks, sticky buns, pumpkin spice muffins, apple fritters and candied bacon." My stomach growls loudly and I have to swallow back some saliva. How I managed to keep myself from having a few tastes is a riddle to me. "Oh, I also made you those egg and sausage breakfast pockets you like."

He chuckles, folding one arm behind his head. "You went all out."

The opposite, actually.

"I love Christmas. It's the happiest time of the year. I've been looking forward to it since the first day of fall." My childlike voice and broad smile suddenly seem too much. Tex doesn't like the holidays. Of course, he'd rather sleep in.

I simmer down my excitement. "But maybe you're right. It's quite early. Go back to sleep. We'll eat later."

"Hell no. I'm all hungry now. But I need coffee. If you make us some, I'll go freshen up." He slides out of bed and stretches his arms above his head. The outlining of his morning groin-situation forces me to swallow back some more drool. What a delicious man.

Just when I put the steaming mugs on the coffee table, Tex grabs me by the waist and pulls me on the couch, on his lap. "What's for entertainment?"

His wandering hands suggest he's up for a little playtime, but I've got plans for that later today. It involves special stockings and nothing else. First though ... "I was thinking we could watch a Christmas movie."

He pleads with his entire face. "Please, don't make me sit through some old black and white borefest."

"How about The Grinch?" I wrap my arms around his neck, tugging the hair on the back of his head playfully. "Or maybe Scrooge?"

I'm given a quick smooch on the lips. "I could go for the Muppet version. That shit is funny."

I chuckle. "That's because you're a Muppet yourself."

The backs of his fingers brush my cheek tenderly, his eyes full adoration. "Birdie, I lo—"

My make-believe memories are interrupted when someone opens my bedroom door. I blink away the fuzzy vision and focus on reality. "Oh, hey Maggs, I didn't know you were coming over."

There's an awkwardness between us that wasn't there before. Hesitantly, she steps inside. "To be honest, I didn't know how to approach you. You've been ... different."

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