Chapter twenty-eight

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•★ Tex ★•

Last night was pretty damn perfect. I think, at least. Ellie was beaming like an autumn sun the whole night through. There were definitely some guys checking her out, but she's mine. End of story. She clearly appreciated my courteous approach. Not something I will repeat too often. Trying not to swear is hard as fuck and simply not my style. I'd rather show my adoration in a more ... physical way.

Okay, the early ejaculation was a little embarrassing, but that was hardly my fault. I mean, she was wearing a lace garter belt and no damn underwear! I thought both my heads were gonna explode right then and there. I made up for it, though. Multiple times.

I stretch my legs and run a hand over my face. Hmm. Something is off. Why is my dick not nestled against a warm ass? I'm pretty sure we fell asleep spooning. And what's that clickety-clackety sound?

After easing my eyes open, I roll to my back and shove my arm under my head. She's sitting behind her cluttered desk with the tip of her tongue pressed between her lips and a tiny dent between her brows. Her laptop screen has her full attention. Maybe she's editing some photos. It's good to see her caught up in her passion, but I want attention as well.

Yes, I'm needy.

"What are you doing, Birdie?"

A little startled by my sudden voice, she looks at me. "I was catching up on homework for this online course I'm doing."

The memory of homework makes me wanna kill myself. Figuratively, of course. I groan accordingly. "This early? It's like 7 a.m. on a Saturday."

Her chuckle tells me I'm wrong. "It's ten, actually. Besides, you know what they say about early birds."

If I'm as smart as I think I am, I like where this is going. "Yeah? What's that?"

"They catch the worm." Quickly, she jumps from her chair and comes my way in little skips. The next second, she's on the bed with me, cuddling up against my side.

I squeeze her hip with playful punishment. "Don't refer to my dick as a worm, please. That's hurtful. Super snake or mega moray would be acceptable."

She giggles, her breath on my neck. "You're so silly."

All the makings of my being relax now that I can feel her body against mine. It's been so long since we woke up together and simply laid in bed.

I brush a lock from her face. "I've missed this."

Her cheek leans into my hand. "What exactly?"

"You and me being weird together." My fingers caress her jawline. "It's the best part."

"The best part?" She straddles my groin, tits purposely pressing against my chest. "Isn't this the best part?"

I chuckle and touch her nose with mine. "I know that I act like a horny fucker around you because, well, I am a horny fucker, but what we have is more than that. You know that, right?"

She nods with certitude. "I know. If you were to lose a certain ... limb, I would still love you with all my heart and I would still enjoy every second with you."

Even though the image of my dick-less groin unsettles me deeply, I manage to stay serious. It was a heartfelt confession, after all. "I really regret not telling you how much I love you the first time around. Maybe things would've ended differently if I had."

Pity shows through her small smile. "Don't beat yourself up. Whether you said it or not, you were a loving boyfriend."

I fake-pout. "Were?"

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