Chapter 2

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Izuku open his eyes, his vision is weird at first from his right eyes but it adjust in a few seconds. He look at the ceiling and saw only white walls and white light, he turn his head a little and saw his mother asleep in a chair next to him, was he in a hospital? Did something happened to him? He try to remember, last thing he know he was speaking with All Might at the beach, he try to move something and...he remember, the pile of scrap. (his throat hurt like he didn't speak for a long time)!

Inko was sleeping in her usual chair next to her son bed when she think she hear a voice, she open her eyes to see her son' eyes looking at her

-Izuku...IZUKU! My baby you're awake!

She jump from her chair and she hug her son while flooding the hospital wing. Once the tears stopped a nurse enter the room to investigate where all that water come from when she saw the teenager awake while being hugged by his mother, she rushed to the young man to look at his vitals while pressing the emergency switch to call the doctors.

A medical team came in the room and start doing several tests on the teenager while Inko stay by his side holding his hand. Izuku didn't understand why those men where doing all those tests on his legs and his right arm and eye. After 20 ish minutes mostly all the staff exit the room except for a blonde man with glasses who's sit next to his mother.

-Hello Izuku, my name is David Shield.


-Well i think my reputation is made.

-You are one of the greatest scientist in the world, last article i read about your work you where based on I Island, what are you doing in Japan?

-Wow I'm impressed young man you know all that about me.

-Well you're All Might first sidekick, so yeah i kinda like to read stuff about him and you and Sir Nighteye so.

-Ha ha you're funny kid. But to answer your question, I'm not in Japan right now, and either you are.

-What? Do you mean I'm?

-Welcome to I Island Izuku Midoriya!


At that moment Toshinori enter the room when he hear from the doctors Izuku awake a few moment ago.

-Young Izuku, i hear you are awake.

-All M...Eh I mean Mister Yagi, what are you doing here?

-Izuku, did you almost call mister Yagi All Might?

-What mom? ...All Might? That's...

The 3 adults in the room start laughing at the boy reaction.

-It's okay Izuku, i know Toshinori secret.

-You what?

-Let me explain Young Midoriya, what do you last remember?

-We where talking at the beach and i was about to move a last piece of trash when i saw a pile of scrap parts moving and nothing else.

-There was a big accident young Izuku, you almost die.

-But i feel pretty fine.

-It's because you have healed well the last 2 months.

- 2 months, i was out for 2 months? i missed school and training for 2 months, I'll never be ready for Yuei entrance exam with that delay. I must go to train and study.

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