Chapter 3

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The weeks passed and Izuku execute many test to know the real limits of his body, he learn he can lift a weight of 15 tons with his arm, he learn his non-bionic part don't collapse when he lift that kind of weight over his head because of the nanobots he have in his body who connect everything together with the reinforced spine and bones they have augmented, he also learn if his bionic parts where damaged somehow the nanobots in his body will use his body fat to replicate and self-repairing his mechanical parts, that include the fake skin who recover his legs and arm, all he have to do is eat more rich food to help the nanobots replication system. His legs are stronger than his arm, he can push around 20 tons with them. He discover he can run for hours without getting tired since his legs don't feel fatigue or pain, his top speed is 125 mph (200 kmh) and he can make a single leap of 30 feet high if he don't use the reactors he have in his feet who let him literally fly.

When he test his laser cannon in his arm he discover he can shoot a low intensity beam who can stunt a average human up to a destructive laser beam who can cut through steel. He will refrain to use that ability because it clearly show in his hand the cannon when the false skin open to reveal the cannon mouth. He's not ready yet to tell everyone he is a cyborg, he prefer lying and saying he have a strength enhancement quirk for the moment.

The weeks passed and the relation between Izuku and Melissa grow stronger, Melissa is literally the first real friend Izuku have, after chatting a lot with Melissa he realized Bakugo was never his friend and he was only a insecure bully who try to show the world he's better than his own insecurities. Melissa love spending time with Izuku, being quirkless she didn't have a lot of friend growing up, she prefer spending her time studying and doing research with the goal to work with her father in the future, Izuku understand her situation and what she had to endure growing up. They both really love each other but they realize really soon it's not romantic love but more like a brother/sister relationship.

The brother/sister relationship became a real one when a evening they both catch David and Inko kissing in the backyard one in each other arms. Melissa and Izuku where happy because they know each of their respective parent where lonely since Izuku's dad die a few years ago during a villain attack when he was at work and Melissa's mom have lost her life while giving birth. David raise Melissa by himself and he never have or take the time to even think about dating someone else. He confess to both teenager when he meet Inko the first time when she get out of the plane with Toshinori it was the first time since Melissa's mother he get that spark in his heart and Inko confess she also fell under Cupid's arrow when she saw the scientist for the first time. They may not be what you consider a normal family but none of the 4 persons of that new family care, they all love each others and they are happy like that.

In the blink of a eye almost 4 months passed since Izuku get his bionic limbs and there is only 2 weeks before the recommendation exam, Izuku finished packing his luggage when his mother come to his room.

-Izuku, can we talk about something important?

-Sure mom.

-How can i say that?

-You want to stay here with David and Melissa?

-How do you know?

-Mom, i never see you that happy since...i can't remember. Melissa and I where talking about it last week and we where planing to convince you to stay here if you try to came back to Japan with me.

-But how will you take care of yourself?

-I'll be okay, i can cook and clean, I'm sure you will put money on my bank account for groceries and others things and i know Toshinori already have pay the rent and other expanse for the next few months, I'm pretty sure i can manage it. Eventually i even plan to move to a smaller apartment near the school if I'm accepted, i will send here all your personal stuff and souvenirs. And don't think we won't see each other, we can still video-chat frequently and i plan to come back here for holidays and vacations

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