Chapter 11

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The officer escort him into a cruiser and drive to the police station while Momo and the rest ot the students where escorted in a bus to be bring back to the school dorm. Once Izuku is escorted in a office he is cuffed in a metal chair and the officer leave him alone in the office. Moment later another man enter the room and when he saw the cuff he immediately removed them.

-Who the hell put those on you, you're not under arrest dammit.

-Eh sir?

-I'm sorry Midoriya, I'm Officer Naomasa Tsukauchi, don't worry I'm one of Toshinori friend.

-Oh OK, eh thank.

-Don't thank me young man, i should thank you, you finally stopped the League of villain today by putting a end at their leader.

-Well, it's true Shigaraki is no more but he have a master. If you are friend with Toshinori how much do you know.

-I know almost everything, you where supposed to be the one getting One For All instead of Togata.

-Ok so i can speak with you. Shigaraki told me All For One is still alive and he's the true leader of the league.

Naomasa fell on his chair when he hear the young man.

-Fuck! that's no good news son.

-I know, and I'm afraid All Might will run straight at him to fight him.

-Knowing the guy he will probably.

-Yeah but he don't have the quirk anymore, he's weakened, I'm worried for him.

-I am too Midoriya but for the moment i think i can restrain him from a assault, we don't know yet where he is. OK for the reason you are here technically I'm supposed to arrest you for illegal use of your quirk and vigilantism but i won't. First I know you only defend yourself and your friends life.

-But i attack him, when i saw Shigaraki i run to him and i knew i had to stop him.

-I know that but we will lie on the official report, i don't want to put you in jail and jeopardize your future as a hero. So we will call the whole battle between you and the villains as self-defence.

-Thank you Officer.

-Hey, you're Toshinori protege, off course i will protect you.

They spend the next minutes writing the official report of the day until Yagi enter the room to see both of them laughing at.

-Hello Toshi, so everything is okay on your side?

-Not really, over 114 victims and more than 300 peoples who's been treated with injuries. 7 of my first year student are dead Nao, how i can call myself the symbol of peace if i can't even protect my students.

-Hey it's not your fault Toshi and you know it, it was a terrorist attack and nobody could have prevent it so stop blaming yourself, understand?

-Yes Naomasa, thank you my friend.

-Off course Toshi, so are you here to bring Midoriya to the school?

-Yes, his friends are worried and i had to restrain his girlfriend to come here with a army of lawyers to get him out, and she's a Yaoyorozu, she had access to the best lawyer in the country.

-Shit Midoriya, you have good friends.

-The best in the world Detective.

-You're free to go and don't worry, you're clear of everything. And please keep a eye on him about what we talk about earlier.

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