Chapter 6

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The day after he have to get through journalists to get to school and it was a pain to pass around them with his motorcycle, they try to ask him questions but he ignore them and just continue his way without even looking at them. He enters the class with a few seconds late but Aizawa accepts his apologies due to the journalists who where blocking the entrance.

-Now today you have an important job: elect a class president, Do whatever you want I don't care, you have 1 hour until English class, I'm taking a nap.

The class debate on the best way to do it and they end up with an election with the restriction of not voting for themselves. The class ends up with the 2 big sisters, Yaoyorozu as president and Kendo as vice-president.

Later during lunch, something weird happened, the security alerts went on and they evacuate the school before realizing it was the journalists who're trespassing. The day after when they enter class, Aizawa informs them to pick up their hero suit and to meet at the bus in front of the school for rescue training at a facility named USJ.

After a short ride class 1A arrived at the USJ where they meet the space heroine Thirteen inside. After a short speech about how quirk can be dangerous, Kirishima ask Aizawa if the guys coming from the portal where robots and Aizawa charged at them telling the class to fall back to the bus and call for back up, those are villains. While Aizawa was fighting the street punks a mist guy came toward the class, he say he represent the league of villains and they have the goal to kill All Might. Thirteen attack the mist villain before he open open 2 portals and redirect Thirteen's attack on her back, killing her by ripping out her body. After dealing with the space hero the mist villain scatter almost every students in different zone of the training centre.

Izuku end in the water, he look around him to see a shark like man coming at him with a freaking big mouth open ready to bite him, when he get close Izuku punch him directly on the nose knocking him out cold in one punch before a weird pink thing grab him by the waist and lift him out of the water. Once Izuku see it was his frog classmate who rescue him from the water he was relived it was a ally and not another enemy.

-You are heavier than you look kero!

-I'm sorry, Eh Asui i think?

-Yes this is my name but call me Tsu please kero!

The class midget came to them while screaming they are all gonna die. Izuku calm him and explain them he have a strategy to get them out of here alive.

-Asui, can you pick him up and jump to the land, I'll stall the villains while you escape.

-We won't let you fight them alone Midoriya.

-I'll be okay, trust me on that one, once you are safe I'll jump near you.

-I don't like that plan kero!

- Me neither but it's the best i can come on the fly.

He grab a fire extinguisher and a box of match from one of his pouch.

-I'll make a homemade bomb to give you time to escape, just hurry they are trying to sink the ship.

Asui grab Mineta, Izuku rip off the valve of the extinguisher and put a flaming match inside before tossing it and the device explode just before reaching the water. Tsu jump without looking behind and Izuku look at her and jump right after her when he saw nobody followed her. Once they are safe on the land Izuku look at the two students.

-You two regroup at the entrance, i can see some of our classmates are already here you should be safe.

-You don't come with us?

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