Chapter 10

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The next day Izuku drove his bike to Edgeshot agency since the hero is based in Mustafu, if he's lucky he will probably be able to return home each day to sleep in his own bed but he don't count on it, most hero agency have bedrooms for heroes to sleep on the job in case of emergency. He enter the agency and he is amazed by the interior, all the decoration look like old Japanese shinobi dojo, he is greeted by a blonde woman around 35 year old wearing a dark green and grey kimono.

-Welcome young man, what bring you at Edgeshot Agency, is there something troubling you and you need assistance from a hero.

-Hello mam, I'm Izuku Midoriya from Yuei, I'm supposed to meet Mister Edgeshot for a internship.

-Off course young Man, my husband will be here soon, he's currently in our apartment situated in the back of the agency with our daughter, would you like to take a seat and entertain me wile we drink tea.

-It will be a pleasure Mam.

-Please call me Tsunade.

-Sure Mrs Tsunade.

They chat for about 5 minutes until a grey hair man wearing a black mask enter the house with a blonde girl around two year in his arms.

-Husband, your intern for the week is here, i will leave you two alone while l go play with our daughter.

-Thanks honey. So you are Mister Midoriya?

-Yes Edgeshot sir, Izuku Midoriya from class 1A.

-Please, don't be so formal young one, call me Shinya, I'm Shinya Kamihara. So why did you choose my request for a internship? I'm pretty sure you got way more appealing offer than mine, I'm even sure Endeavour offer you one.

-To be honest i received one from him indeed and when i saw the paper i throw it away in the garbage.

-And why if i may ask?

-Because I hate the man, him and his son...are not that good people. I don't know your relation with him but personally i don't want to do anything with him or his family.

-I'm not in the best of term with Todoroki myself, care to tell me what he did to you?

-He try to buy my girlfriend to have a quirk marriage with his youngest son.

-That's scandalous!

-I know, Momo is lucky her parents care for her more than anything, and i will protect her no mater the cost.

-You are a good person Midoriya, i respect that. So why do you come here?

-Because you are one of the best hero of your generation. I know you are specialized in close combat and infiltration, two skills I'm really lacking. I can punch or kick but other than that i don't know a lot how to really fight. Plus i know you are a master swordsman and i recently acquire one i will use in my hero career.

-And what is your quirk? I need to know with what i have to work. I know from the sport festival you are strong and fast, you also seem to be able to fly if I'm not wrong.

-I...I will not lie to you, if i am to spend time with you training and learning to be a hero i will be 100% honest with you. I'm actually quirkless, but not powerless.

-Care to explain young man.

-Not even a year ago i was in a deadly accident, leaving me with both my legs, my right arm and my right eye amputated, scientist at I Island turn me into a cyborg with advanced prototype technology designed to bring me at a pro hero in level of raw strength. A few weeks ago while a villain attack our school i lost my second arm and they install me a second robot arm, my power come from technology.

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