Chapter 5

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Few days passed and Izuku wake up for the first day of school, he finish eating and dressing and he is now in a battle with the most fearsome enemy he have face in his life so far, his freaking tie. He have watch several tutorial on YouTube but he can't tie it up for his life so he throw it on the ground and grab his backpack, keys, leather jacket and his helmet and get out of the apartment before walking to his bike and ride her to Yuei.

Once he reached school he look at the map of the school on his phone and walk to his class. He reach class 1A and open the door to witness a tall man with blue hair reprimanding...Bakugo. He don't want to cause a bigger commotion in class and goes directly at the end of the room where he spot Momo and he goes directly next to her since there is a empty desk.

-Good morning Midoriya.

-Good morning Yaoyorozu, you sleep well?

-I have indeed, thanks for asking me. I see you don't wear your uniform tie, my mom already called you a bad boy for riding a motorcycle and wearing a leather jacket, imagine if she saw you without the proper complete uniform.

-You mom call me a bad boy and she only saw me what, one time on a camera? I'm screwed aha!

They got interrupted by a floating pair of clothes who walk directly to Izuku's desk and bow before him.

-He hi. i...i want to say, thank you for saving my life during the exam, i was out for around 2 hours after you help the old lady heal my leg and i never get the chance to personally thank you. I'm Toru Hakagure and I'll be in your debt forever.

-Hey it's cool, don't make it a big deal, i just did what every heroes would have done if they where in the same situation, I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's a pleasure to know you are safe and to see your bone is well healed.

-How do you know?

-I have a magic eye (while pointing at his red eye)

-If you are here to socialize leave now and go work at McDonald's.

They stop talking when the door open and a yellow caterpillar enter the room, a few seconds later a man with long black hair exit it and stare at everyone in the room.

-It took you 8 seconds to stop talking and it was unacceptable, I am Shota Aizawa, your teacher. Let's get to it, put these on and head outside to the field. And he leave the room. Everyone grab a PE uniform and follow the tall blue hair man who was yelling at Bakugo who's telling everyone he study the school plan and already know the location of the locker room. Izuku didn't want to show the others guys all the scars he have on his body goes change in a toilet stall instead in front of his locker door.

A few minutes later all 20 students regroup in front of the teacher.

-Here at U.A. We teachers are free to teach the way we like, so forget that orientation speech it's a waste of time, instead i want to know with what i will work here, you're going to conduct 8 physical tests using your quirk and I expect everyone to give everything you got, if i see someone slack he's expelled, understand? He didn't wait a answer from the student and he lift his tablet. Katsuki Bakugo, you got the highest score on the entrance exam, how far can you pitch that ball without a quirk in middle school?

-I don't know, 67 meters probably!

-Fine, this time do it but use your quirk, just don't leave the circle.

Bakugo smile at the idea of using his powerful explosion on the first day and swing the ball in the hair while letting go a big boom and screaming DIE!

-705 meters, this is what I expect from all of you, to give me everything you got and go beyond plus ultra. Now everyone in rank we begin the first test with a little 50-metres dash.

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