Chapter 12

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EPILOGUE 7 years later

-Welcome everyone to the annual hero fair where every new developpment about the hero industries and mostly support equipment are announced. This year we have a very special guest who is here to announce a revolution in the world of heroism, please welcome Professor David Shield.

David Shield walk on the stage, he took a look at the front row where is wife of the last 5 year Inko is sitted with their small two year old son Toshinori on her laps, next to them is Melissa and her boyfriend Mirio. Who knew Toshinori's sucessor will became good friend with Izuku and end up meeting Melissa and fell in love with her. Next to Mirio is Momo who is not dressed in her hero suit for once but in a elegant dark blue dress. He look at the side of the stage where is son Izuku gave him a thumb up, knowing tonight is THE night for David's project. He look at the cameras in front of him and all of the peoples who came here tonight to hear about his revolutionary project.

-Hello everyone, I'm David Shield, head scientist of I-Island, Tonight i want to present to you a project who change my life the past 8 years. How many time a good hero had to retire too soon because during a accident or a villain fight he lost a arm or a leg? If you ask me i'd say too many time, but thoses days are behind us, Tonight i like to present to you: Project Heroes Rebuilt. The concept is simple but on the other hand extremely complicated, each case will be a real custom project because every hero is unique and every quirk is different. With this project we will be able to remplace a missing limb to a hero and the limb will work with the current hero quirk. I can gave you a example, if you have a hero like Alien Queen, who her body can produce different level of acid, imagin she lose a arm during a villain fight, her fighting capacity will be highly decreased, she will likely had to retire from heroism. Imagin i can get her a new fully functional arm and the remplacement arm work perfectly with her body? What i mean by that is the arm will be acid resistant but also can use her body acid for i don't know, transform into a acid gun? This will be possible with the technology i've created. I will be able to mimic almost every kind of quirk with that kind of technology.

He got interupted when he saw a collegue robotician from a american university who step up to ask him a question.

-Professor Shield, we try to replicate quirks for decades, how can you be so sure you manage to do it, we can't even make a prostethic with a decent strength capacity who will work for normal dayslife, and you suggest you will be able to make a arm with super strength?

-I don't only presume Professor Ivo, I did it!

-We want proof Shield!

-And I will give you thoses proofs. When i said the project change my life 8 years ago, it when i meet the woman who today I share my life with, my dear Inko. Inko have a son from a previous relationship and her son got into a terrible accident. They where close friend to our regretted symbol of peace All Might and he ask me for help. I help her son and i give him two new arms and two new legs and a new eye. Thoses limbs are way more powerfull than your average super strength, 7 years ago they where limited at 15 tons of pressure for the arms and 20 tons for the legs, today i had upgrade thems to 25 tons for the arms and 35 tons for the legs, gaving him super strength and super speed. You know that man because he is one of Japan top hero. Today we have decided to reveal his secret to the world, so ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you my son, the first cyborg hero: Bionic-Man.

Izuku walk on the stage, his hero suit didn't change a lot from his time at Yuei. His undersuit is now dark green almost grey instead of the forest green it used to be, thanks for all the years he spend as Edgeshot sidekick he became a expert in stealth operation and the new undersuit dosen't show skin on the arm like it does before. The only difference from his old look is now he have long hair tied in a ponytail and his bionic eye who where previously red is now green like his organic one. He walk next to his step-father and hug him before taking the microphone from his hand.

-Welcome everyone, as Dad mention it I'm the current number 4 in the hero ranking, my name is Izuku Midoriya also know as the Bionic-Man. Tonight i will reveal you a secret not a lot of people know about me but i think it's for the good cause to help you adopt dad's project. Lot of you think my incredible strength or my speed or my flight hability or even the laser i can shoot from my hands are my quirk, but the truth is i'm quirkless. All you see is the Project Heroes Rebuilt, I am the first prototype for the project and there is not a single day i regret doing it. You all see my hability, you all witness what i can do, imagin every hero who got a career ending wound had the possibility to continue being hero like before, and who know, maybe better than before with the right remplacement part. I am the living proof the project work and I know you will agree on Professor Shield project.

Izuku take a small break from his speech and he look at his father who nod at him, Izuku know this is the right time, so there is no coming back.

-You know, that project let me meet wonderfull peoples in my life, dues to that project i meet the man i call Dad now, he married my mother and even gave me a little brother and a step-sister. I also meet one of my closest friend, the number one hero Lemillion. Few people don't know that but he is currently dating my step-sister Melissa so yes that projec can bring joy in the world. (many people laugh at the comment) It also let me get into Yuei hero program where i've meet the love of my life, I know every hero gossip magazine alerady publish me and the number 12 ranking heroine Creati are dating and you know what, we are together since our first year at Yuei, and they where somes of the happiest days of my life. Why don't we ask her to confirm it? Momo dear, come here for a second.

The creation heroine was confused by her boyfriend request but she agree and she step on the stage.

-You see, she bring joy in my life since we're 15, we are boyfriend and girlfriend since our first year and tonight (he put one knee on the ground before removing a little black box from one of his pocket) i think it's time we change that a little. Momo Yaoyorozu, you've been by my side since day 1, we have win and lose together since the beginning, we have witness together the worst and the best that world can offer us and i want to continue to live this kind of life with you. Momo Yaoyorozu, would you became my partner, not only in the field saving people, but also in our private life, forever and ever. Would you please marry me?

He open the box and she can see the beautifull ring he got for her, off course she want to be his wife, she love him more than anything for the last 7 years and she won't stop loving him untill the end of days. He get on his feet and put the ring on her finger while looking her in her beautifull onyx eyes. She look at her finger for a few seconds before she wrap her arms aroung his neck and she kiss him in from of everyone, like the first time she kissed him when he won their first sport festival. After the kiss they breath for second before she answer him.

-Off course Izuku i want to marry you, I love you so much you know and I want to be with you forever and after.

He took her hand in his and they start walking off the stage when suddenly everyone in the crowd start applauding and congratulating the young newly engaged couple. They smile at each other before leaving the building and going home together on Izuku's motorcycle, like they always loved to do together for the last 7 years.


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