Chapter 8

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The crowd start shouting Midoriya's name while Izuku wave at them with the biggest smile he can have on his face, suddenly he hear his name with one of the voice he can recognized the most in the world, he turn around and look at his best friend running toward him, one of her arm still in a cast. He start walking toward her and when she reached him she jump in him arm, he caught her on the fly and he was about to say something to her when she crashed her lips on his. Izuku's brain stop working for a second before rebooting and realizing Momo was kissing him...yep, Momo is kissing him...MOMO IS KISSING HIM! He open his eyes he didn't know he have closed and respond to the kiss while enveloping his arm around her waist. The crowd who just witness the kiss start screaming of joy seeing the champion getting a kiss he deserved after all the hard work he did during all the tournament.

When they need oxygen they separate and look at each others in the eyes, the world around them stop existing, only the two of them count for the other.

-I love you too Izuku.

-Midnight's microphone was open, we hear everything. really love me Izuku?

-More than anything, but

-But? Oh no, you wont reject us because of what? Because that jerk attack me to get to you?

-Yes! He hurt you because

-Because he's nuts, Yes i got hurt, but we aim to be heroes, i will get stronger and you will too, so please don't reject my love because of your fear, but stay with me and we will protect each other, together.

-I will always protect you Momo.

-I know, and i will always be here for you Izuku. Don't forget it, You are mine, and i am yours.

-Hum hum, it's not i don't like seeing two lovebirds together, but we have a sport festival to conclude and medals to give, and our big winner is wanted.

-Off course Midnight Sensei, I'm sorry.

-I'm not sorry Sensei, i have my Izuku now and i won't let him go anywhere.

-I know girl, and congratulation you too.

Izuku and Momo leave the battle zone hand in hand and walked to the central stage where Izuku let her go and get on the stage on the first place spot. He look at his side and nod at Tokoyami on the 3th place stand.

-Where is Iida?

-I cannot answer thou question my dear friend, our classmate left our school suddenly after he received what look like a dreaded phone call announcing him dark and sordid news.

-Eh thank Tokoyami-san.

Izuku look at his other side and saw Bakugo who where restrained with what look like quirk restraining cuffs and a...muzzle?

All Might came with the medals and give a inspirational speech about good sportsmanship. He gave the avian teen his medal and a hug while praising his performance during the games. After he went to Bakugo, he removed the muzzle only to hear the angry teenager screaming insanity, he shut him up by putting the medal in his mouth. Once he finish with Bakugo he went to Midoriya and put the gold medal around his neck.

-Young Izuku, I'm so proud of the hard work you demonstrate today, You show us good sportsmanship and you where true to your promise. (he gave a hug to Izuku and whisper something in his hear) and by the way congratulation son for you and miss Yaoyorozu, your mother almost flood the entire stadium with her tears when she saw you guys kissing.

All Might let go of the winner and address a final speech to the crowd before announcing the end of the sport festival and wishing everyone a wonderful day.

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