10. B-babygirl?

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The day pass too slow, slower than usual and boring, really

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The day pass too slow, slower than usual and boring, really.
After that cafeteria incident, I didn't see Hana, which was really a good thing, but my mind keep thinking about, why Jimin wanted to meet me after school?

Did I do anything wrong, again? Probably just want to give punishments. But I won't be going as I have more important things to do.

"Oh, you're here again Yejin." Our librarian, Mr. Lee said breaking my trance.

"Yes, sir. Maths test will be conduct next week." I inform him with a small smile.

"Okay dear, work hard, fighting!" Our old librarian said.

I don't say anything but went into mathematics book section of our library.

I look through all the mass of the book for some minutes, and at last I found the book I was searching. But unfortunately it was on the top shelf. I tiptoe a bit to get that, but no use. I am not short, I am 5'8. This is not short, but but the shelf is giant.

Suddenly I feel someone behind. A male to be precise because his chest and stomach were touching my back. His hand glides on mine and took the book, which was I trying to get. My eyes get wide, the way he is touching, I feel very uncomfortable.

I feel getting him back away from me. I turn around just to see who is that person. Unfortunately, I don't know this person nor I have seen him before.

He smiles and hand me the book after looking the book's title. Now I am confused, was he helping me or taking advantage.

"Thank you."

"Third year, am I right?" He asks me as was leaving.

"Yes, but how did you know? I've never-"

"Ah! That, well, I am a new student, I was touring the school. I am in fourth year and have read that book, also the book cover says 'mathematics for third year'."

"Oh, thank you sunbae-nim." I said and went towards my favorite seat in the library. I was taking out my books and supplements, that senior sit in front of me.

"You're cute." He said out of the blue making me blush and flustered. Nobody never told me that, especially a boy.

"Sunbae-nim, you're disturbing my studies. I have a lot to catch up." I said without looking at him.

"You're studying... trigonometry, oh, I love this. It is very easy." He said after peeping in my book.

Trigonometry easy, my foot.

He abruptly stands up from his eat, which was in front of me and sit on the chair which was beside. He didn't even let me protest and snatch my textbook from my hand.

"Okay, example one. See carefully when I am solving it baby girl." He instructs me.

"B-babygirl?" I choked my saliva when he called me that.

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