the two slytherin boys

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You're woken up by the screech of your owl, Sage. You look down and realize you'd fallen asleep in your dress last night. You quickly change into a white button-up shirt, a navy crew neck, a plaid skirt, and you hurry on your Ravenclaw robes.

"Come on, Luna, breakfast," you call, hearing Luna mumble something "wrackspurts" in her sleep.

After getting ready and eating breakfast, you walk through the corridors to your first class, Potions, with Luna, Neville, and Ginny by your side.

"I don't really remember much from that party yesterday," Neville says slowly. He's clutching his Mimbulus Mimbletonia to his chest. "What happened?"

"Oh-" Ginny says, looking at Luna for help. "Fred may have slipped something in your drink."

Neville looks up in shock. "What?"

"Nothing bad," Ginny says, laughing. "You just got a little, uh, tipsy?"

"Did I say anything?" Neville says, horrified.

"No!" Ginny says at the same time Luna says, "You said quite of lot of things."

"Anyway," Ginny says hurriedly, "Aurora, why'd you leave in the middle?"

"I don't like parties, Gin, you know that," you say sighing.

"Luna told me you didn't come to bed for a couple hours." Ginny persists. You glare at Luna and she smiles serenely at you.

"It was nothing," you say, "I just... fancied a walk..."

At that moment, something hard slams into your shoulder, and you stumble into Neville as your books spill out of your arms. Looking up, you see Draco Malfoy, his facial features smoothed into a look of exceeding arrogance. He's holding that dark red book under his shoulder, the one you'd always assumed was some sort of diary.

"You'll want to be more careful there, Ollivander," Draco says, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah? What's that supposed to mean?" You say, angrily.

"Let's see who we have here. Loony Lovegood," He says, sneering at her, "Then we have that lump of a Longbottom, who can't even sit on his broomstick right. Then another blood traitor Weasley," he nods at Ginny, "and finally, you. Befriending such filth."

"Shut up, Malfoy," Neville says, his face turning pale.

"Oh?" Draco says, cocking his head. "What are you and your little plant gonna do about it?"

"Get out of my way, Malfoy," you say. The doorway ahead to Potions class is narrow and Draco is standing right underneath the arch.

"Come here, then," he says.

"I'm not here to play games. Move." You say, impatiently. When he just stands there unmoving, you finally slip past him, ignoring the intense flutters in your stomach as your chest brushes against his torso.

The rest of the class files in and you take your seat in the back of the class room with Luna, Ginny, and Neville.

"Settle down, class," Professor Snape says lazily, using his wand to flick the curtains closed. "Today, we shall be working on the Draught of Peace, a potion that very well may come up on your O.W.L. exams. However, I thought it might be, ah, useful to have you work in groups of 3. You will be completing the Potion in class and working on an essay afterwards together. First group: Longbottom, Goyle, Parkinson. Then, Macmillan, Granger, and Weasley..." He goes on like this until you hear your name: "Pucey, Ollivander, and.... Malfoy."

Your eyes widen in disbelief. "No," You whisper, furiously. No. There is no way you could be with Malfoy.

"Well, get along then," Snape says, irate. "Get into your groups and work on the potion." Taking a deep breath, you join Draco and another Slytherin boy, Adrian Pucey.

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