the unexpected dance

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When you wake up, your head is on Draco's shoulder, his hand is on your knee, and you open your eyes to the sight of his sharp jawline.

You immediately get up, feeling a shock at how close you were to him. Draco's eyes flutter open and as soon as he wakes up, Fang rushes forward and climbs on top of him, barking.

Draco gives a low groan. "Get off me," he rasps, his voice still thick with sleep.

The air outside is clear and fresh, and the rain is no longer pounding.

You take a fistful of the sheet you and Draco were sleeping on, and you tug it hard. It comes out from underneath Draco, making him fall off onto the cold wooden floor. He mutters curses at you under his breath as you walk into the closet to return the sheet.

When you walk into the closet, you notice that there is a pile of five more sheets on one of the shelves.

"This is the only sheet in the closet."

You step out of the closet.

"What?" Draco says, seeing the look on your face.

You hesitate. "Oh- nothing..."

He charges at you and takes a fistful of the front of your dress in his hands, slamming you into him. "If you say anything about this, anything about what happened last night, I will come and find you." His fists tighten on your dress for a moment. For a moment, you're intoxicated by his scent, that richness of cologne and the chill of mint, but you quickly come to your senses and shove him off of you. 

"Like I would want anyone to know I spend the night with you." You say, rolling your eyes.

Draco stares directly in your eyes with a look of anger and disgust, and then he turns on his heel and leaves, shutting the door of the hut close.

The aftermath of the storm settles in the next day, the air damp with the recent rainfall, and the grounds still soaked with water. Professor Sprout delightedly reports the growth of her Shrivelfig plants in Herbology the next day.

That evening at dinner, Ginny slips into a seat by the Ravenclaw table and whispers into your ear, "Party tonight at the Room of Requirement."

You almost choke on your orange juice. "What?"

"Party tonight. Room of Requirement. All students are coming." She says, helping herself to a bowl of pasta.

"What for?"

Ginny shrugs. "Exams are coming in a few months. We just want to have a little fun before that."

"But we just had the Yule Ball." You complain.

"And that was led by teachers. This is just going to be students. We can do anything we want," Ginny says, lowering her voice as a Professor Flitwick walks by. "And no, you don't have to choose a partner. We're doing a dance and going to be switching partners throughout the night."

You take a long drink of your pumpkin juice as Ginny waits for your answer.

"Alright, Gin, I'll go. But I swear this is going to be the last party I'm attending." You say with a sigh.

"Good because Fred and George have nicked the entire kitchen's supply of fire-whiskey." Ginny winks at you, and then leaves.

Every step you take towards the Room of Requirement is full of trepidation and fear. Your thoughts stray back to what Ginny had said.

"All students are coming."

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