his private thoughts

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The Slytherin common room is a sea of dark green, light barely reaching the dark room, the walls faintly tinged with a rustic color. You're laying across a black leather couch, your legs propped up on Draco's lap. The common room is empty except for you and Draco.

"What are you always writing in that diary?" You say, breaking the silence.

He moves the dark red book away from your sight. "It's not a diary. It's just a book where I write things in."

"So like a diary?"

"Oh, shut up Aurora."

"Are you writing about me?" You tease.

He raises an eyebrow and says sarcastically, "Oh, yeah."

"Can I see it?"

"No, this is for my eyes only. Stupid book, really. My mum got it for me." He says, closing it.

"And yet you write in it every day?"

Ignoring this comment, Draco shoves your legs off his lap. "I'm going to be right back. I've got to meet someone."


"Doesn't matter. I'll be right back." He says shortly. He leans forward, burying his face in your shoulder and kissing your throat before he exits the common room.

You rest back on the couch and doze off into a light sleep. When you wake up, the room is completely dark. It must be late in the night. You see a tall figure on the ground, laying his head against the couch.

"Draco?" You whisper, getting up. The figure doesn't move. "Lumos!" You say, pointing out your wand.

The beam of light coming from your wand illuminates Draco's face. You gasp as the light falls on a busted lip. You immediately fall to his side, shaking him awake.

He opens his eyes, blinking in the bright light.

"What happened, Draco?" You say.

"Nothing," he mutters. "You should go back to your dorm room... It's late..."

"So, you're not going to tell me why you have a bleeding lip?"

"I told you, it's nothing. Can you just leave me alone for once?" He tries to get up and then gives a sharp gasp of pain, clutching his ribs. You move your wand light onto his shirt. Several of the buttons have been popped open, and just from the small parts of skin showing between the buttons, you can tell there are bruises.

"Can you tell me what hell happened?" You say, feeling numb. "Who did this to you?"

"Sod off – "

"Who did this to you?"

Draco grits his teeth in irritation. "Adrian Pucey. Happy?"

You can feel fury rooting in your stomach. Anger at Adrian. "Why?"

"Why?" Draco says, angrily. "Because he knows I'm with you."

You try to ignore this. "Let me help you – "

"I don't want your help – "

"Stop being so difficult, I'm serious." You say. Finally, he relents.

You fumble for the buttons of his shirt, tearing them open. "This might hurt," you say quietly.

"Just do it." He says, taking a deep breath.

You slowly draw your wand onto the bruises and whisper the healing spells over them.

Draco gives a groan of pain and leans his head back onto the couch, shutting his eyes closed.

His Ravenclaw (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now