his mistake

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You haven't seen Draco Malfoy for a week. He hasn't been attending classes, you don't see him in the hallways anymore, he's not at meals.

You try not to care. No, you don't have to try. You don't care. You're thrilled he isn't showing his arrogant, pale face anymore. Your mind is able to focus on other things that are more important. School, for one, and your friends.

The weather becomes colder as December settles in. Snow frequently lines the courtyard. The first years, who have never seen snow at Hogwarts before, are seen with their noses pressed against the glass windows. Until, of course, Filch shouts at them to stop making marks on the windows.

Then, on one Defense Against the Dark Arts class on Friday, he's there.

"Good evening class," Umbridge says, smiling sweetly at you all.

You contemplate throwing your textbook at her ugly toad face.

"Today, we shall be discussing the Patronus Charm. Who here thinks they know what the most important part of the charm?" She says, straightening out her foul, pink cardigan.

Hermione Granger raises her arm. Umbridge gives a thin smile in her direction, but doesn't call on her.

"Miss. Ollivander, what about you? What do you find the most important in succeeding the Patronus charm?" She says, giving a simpering smile at you.

Your head snaps up and you take a deep breath to prepare your answer. "Personally, I think it's the memory. Having a really strong, happy memory is the most important." You say.

Umbridge gives a short nod. "Yes, I suppose that could-"

"I disagree."

Students all crane their necks to see who had spoken.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy?" Umbridge says. "You were saying?"

Draco straightens up and begins to speak. "I think it's the wand movement and incantation. Wizardry has always been dependent on correct wand movement and incantation. A simple mistake in pronunciation can completely blunder the entire spell."

"Wand movements and incantations can be easily learned," You say loudly. You don't know why you're speaking, but you feel like you have to. "If you don't have a strong enough memory for the charm, you'd never be able to perform the spell. If it was the other way around, you could simply be instructed about the correct movement and incantation, and you'd easily be able to perform the spell."

Draco slowly turns around in his seat until he makes eye contact with you. Every student seems to be on the edge of their seat. Even Umbridge is looking at both of you, rapt with attention.

"Then tell me why we have an entire class in school solely based on learning the wand movements and incantations of charms, Ollivander? Perhaps your weakness in Charms class is causing you to overlook – " He sneers.

"Just because you don't have a happy enough memory for the Patronus charm doesn't mean you can just overlook its importance!" You say loudly, nearly shouting.

That wipes the smirk off his face.

"Detention tonight, Ollivander," Umbridge says smoothly. "I don't tolerate shouting in my class."

You refrain yourself from rolling your eyes but as the bell rings and students begin packing up their bags, you catch the sight of Draco's face.

And he's furious.

No, not just furious, but almost murderous, and he doesn't take his eyes off you.

Oh shit.

You start to hurry out of the classroom, not caring to pack up your bag properly. You push through the crowd of students, but you can sense his presence behind you.

He's following you.

Oh God, no. Oh no.

You break off into a run, moving swiftly up the many staircases in Hogwarts. You nearly collide into Luna.

"Hello, Aurora, where are you – "

You ignore her and keep running. You chance a glance behind you and see that Draco is still following you, almost charging at you.

Desperate and overcome with fear, you escape up into the Astronomy Tower and when you hurry into the room, you realize this is the biggest mistake you could've made.

You're now alone in the room with Draco.

You're dead now.

He comes closer to you. You notice that his shirt under his black suit is untucked and he's missing the top few buttons. Your eyes trail up to his loosened tie.

You back up into the railing. "What do you want, Malfoy?" You say, trying to keep calm.

"Thought you could run your mouth in class, did you? Thought you could just argue with me and get away with it?" He says, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes," you say simply, and then your eyes widen in horror at what you said. This is a death wish.

"Thought I don't have a happy enough memory, did you?" He says. He's getting closer to you.

"Leave me alone, Malfoy." You say.

"The thing is, I can't just leave you alone when you argue with me like that, you filthy blood traitor." He says, his lip curling.

You feel rage rushing through your body. "I hate you, Malfoy," you say shakily. You hate everything about him. The way his smirk lights up his arrogant features, his egoistical ways, his behavior of being so utterly nonchalant while knowing he's making you rage deep inside.

He steps even closer to you, cutting the space between your bodies. His hand reaches out to hold your chin, his cold fingers tracing your jawline.

"I hate you too," Draco mutters. "More than you know."

And then he slams his lips onto yours.

You step backwards, going completely numb in shock. He releases a shaky, minty breath. He just stays with his lips barely touching yours, and you realize he's waiting. Waiting for you to do something. To show him you won't regret it.

You press his lips onto his for a second, and from then on, he takes complete control.

He pins your arms onto the wall, snaking his hands around your neck as he kisses your hard. His lips move towards your neck. You gasp from the pressure of his hips on yours.

And your gasp brought him back to a crashing reality. He releases you in an instant, staring at you.

"What the hell, Ollivander?" He roars at you, stepping back. "You should've told me to stop!"

"I- excuse me? You were the one who – " You start to say.

He slams his fist onto the wall out of anger, right next to your head.

You want to say something, to yell at him. At the unfairness at all. For him to even think he could blame this on you. But you know you shouldn't.

It's a dangerous thing, to mess with Draco Malfoy.

So, you do the only thing you can do.

You leave. 

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