hagrid's hut

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From outside you can hear barks and something banging against the door. You open the door and a gust of rain and wind blows inwards. You squint through the rain, looking in the distance.

"Will you shut the bloody door?" Draco bellows from inside.

Fang comes bounding in and in his fright of the rain, attacks you and pins you down to the ground. His sharp nails scrapes hard against your inner thigh underneath your dress as he wildly attempts to escape out of the rain. You can feel his nails leave bruises on your skin.

And then someone pulls him off of you and slams the door of the hut shut. Fang immediately begins to cower underneath the kitchen table.

"Are you mental?" Draco growls.

"I couldn't just let him outside in that storm. He would've slipped and fallen..." Your eyes are beginning to water from the pain in your thigh.

"Does it look like I care? Get up," He says. When you don't move, he puts his strong hands around your waist and lifts you up on the mini kitchen counter. Then he begins rummaging through the kitchen cupboards.

"What are you doing?" You ask, wincing from the pain.

"Finding something to heal you with," Draco mutters, banging the cupboard doors open and shut.

"I don't need your help."

"You don't have a choice. Just be quiet for once, Ollivander."

"I'd rather deal with the pain than have you try to heal me," you say. "You'd probably make it worse."

Draco doesn't respond until a few moments later. "I knew the oaf had this somewhere." He mutters, grabbing a small glass bottle, its contents unknown.

"What is that?" You ask, eyeing it nervously.

"Magic healing balm." He says simply. He moves closer to you until you can catch the scent of his expensive cologne, and the smell of something mildly minty. "This might hurt though. It's supposed to be used on the minor cuts and burns, but for somewhere this sensitive..." He dips his finger into the balm and reaches out for your thigh, but you stop him with your hands.

"Wait, stop," you say. You know you sound stupid right now, but you can't help it. "It's going to hurt?"

Draco raises his eyebrows. "Maybe." After a few moments of silence where you stare at him with your eyes widening, he rolls his eyes. "Put your hands on my shoulders, and next time use your brain before you do something stupid like run out during a storm." You grit your teeth, then put your hands on his shoulders which are surprisingly warm.

A shiver runs through your spine as his cold hands slide up your leg to settle around your inner thigh. You bite your lip to fight against the shocks of pain you feel. Lowering your head onto his shoulder, you can feel his rings as he rubs his hands against your skin. You clutch his shirt in fists, your nails biting through his shoulders.

Finally, after what seems to be several long seconds, he removes his hands from your thigh and you release his shoulders. There's no longer pain there, but rather just numbness. He moves his hands to your waist and lifts you off the counter. You straighten your dress and sit down in a chair beside the counter.

The wind is howling outside and the rain is thudding harder than ever, banging on the hut like fallen rocks. Fang pokes his head out from under the table and tentatively paws at Draco's nearby foot.

"Piss off," he mutters, shaking his wet hair out of his eyes.

Draco leaves the room for a moment and goes into a closet of some sort. When he returns, he's carrying a single bedding sheet.

"Where's my sheet to sleep on?" You say, eyeing it.

Draco raises his eyebrows and you force yourself to look away. You don't know how many times he's done that but every time, you can feel something forbidden flutter in your stomach.

"This is the only sheet in the closet," he says, laying it down on the floor.

You almost laugh. "I'm not sharing a bedsheet with you."

"Fine by me. Go sleep on Hagrid's bed, then." Draco says, laying down and closing his eyes.

There was no way you were going to sleep on Hagrid's bed. You sit in your chair without moving while the rain pours outside. Once five minutes has passed, you manage to swallow your pride and lay down beside Draco on the sheet.

The sheet of bedding is no more than just thin cloth, and the wooden floorboards beneath it feels hard against your back. Your inner thigh still aches from Fang's claws and the healing balm but you try your best to ignore it.

You suddenly realize how close you are to Draco, so close that your sides are almost brushing against each other, so close than you can hear every shift, every sigh, every movement and sound he makes.

And then, as another hurl of thunder hits the sky and vibrates in your ears, you're struck with the thought how very cold you are, laying in your still damp, thin dress. Goosebumps are fanning out across your exposed arms and legs. You shift around, trying to find a warm position to sleep in.

"Will you stop moving?" Draco groans from beside you.

"It's cold," you say defensively.

There's a moment of silence and then Draco says, "Turn around."

"I- what?"

"Turn around on your side, away from me."

You slowly turn around so that you're on your side, away from Draco. You're overcome with nerves when your back is towards him. And then you feel his arm slither around your waist, his cold hands drawing you in closer to him. Though his hands are freezing, his body is warm, and you can feel your back pressed up against his front side.

"This is only because you're cold and I can't fall asleep if you keep moving around," he breathes against your neck. "Don't think I'd touch you otherwise."

"Don't think I'd let you touch me otherwise," you grumble.

But you're overwhelmed by that sudden feeling of something like comfort, the same thing you felt in the Astronomy tower.

You close your eyes as you feel yourself drifting off to sleep.

You don't actually feel comfort, you think. You're just telling yourself that because you're confused and you don't know what you want. 

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