pianos and darkness

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"This will be the last Hogsmeade trip of the year," Professor Dumbledore announces at breakfast. "So those of you would like to see the village one more time before we leave for summer should take the chance to do so now. Enjoy yourselves, all of you!"

"Come on," Luna says, linking your arm with yours. "Perhaps we may see a sighting of the Horned Snorkackle. They're very common this time of year."

"Aurora, you haven't been looking that great lately..." Ginny says, joining you and Luna. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Gin, thanks – "

"Are you sure because – "

"My mimbulus mimbletonia have finally matured!" Neville says, bursting through the crowd of students in the Great Hall.

"That's lovely, Neville," Luna says, smiling and Neville blushes.

Ginny shoots an annoyed look at Neville, for cutting off her conversation with you.

"Anyway, guys, let's go to Hogsmeade," you say hurriedly before Ginny can say anything. She narrows her eyes at you, and then finally sighs and agrees.

The day could not be any more contrasting to how you feel right now; the sunniness and warm weather is almost sickening as you walk through the stony lanes of Hogsmeade with your friends.

You're in Honeydukes, watching Neville and Ginny bicker over sweets when someone walks out and catches your attention.

Adrian Pucey.

You can feel heat rise in the core of your stomach with fury, and before you know it, you're walking out of the store of Honeydukes. But you can't push through the throng of students around the door, and when you finally manage to burst through, he's gone.

You turn around in fury of losing him and at the same time, someone Apparates there, colliding into you.

And that someone is Draco.

"Watch where you're – oh." He pauses for a moment when he sees that it's you, and then abruptly turns around and leaves.

You reach out and grasp his wrist, whirling him around. "Don't, Malfoy."

"Back to last name terms, are we, Ollivander?" He growls.

"You think you deserve to be called Draco after all this?" You shout. "Where have you been all this time?"

But when he comes closer, you see his face for the first time up close in so long. And he doesn't look good. His cheeks are paler than before, there are dark tinges underneath his eyes, and his platinum blonde hair is no longer sleek, but hanging slightly messily over his forehead.

"Who did this to you – "

"Leave, Ollivander."

"I'm not leaving until you answer me," you say, crossing your arms.

"The Dark Lord!" Draco roars at you. "Is that what you want to hear?"

You step back in horror, your eyes widening. "He's been – torturing you, has he?"

He looks away from you without responding.

"Draco..." You put your hand on his shoulder tentatively.

You expect him to throw your hand off, to yell at you. But instead, he just melts into you. He leans his weight onto you and you put your arms around his neck as he wraps his hands around your back. As he buries his face into your neck, you can feel his tears slide down your skin. "My father is in Azkaban," he says, his voice choked up. "The Dark Lord... he's – he's disappointed..."

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