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Three hours later, three hours of terror and pain and tears and anxiety... and it's all over. The injured are being treated in the Great Hall and everyone is holding each other and whispering words of comfort.

You haven't seen him in three hours.

When you reach the courtyard, you search for a particular tall, platinum-blonde hair boy with silver-blue eyes.

Arrogance and coldness.

But also grace and love.

You think about his screams of pain at Malfoy Manor when Voldemort was torturing him and you search harder, pushing through the crowd of people. And then you see him.

His hair is still messier than you've ever seen it, his shirt is untucked, and he's lost his tie. And you don't care. You rush up to him and he takes you in his arms.

All of sudden, everything just makes sense. It just clicks into place like a puzzle piece. That inexplicable feeling you had that first time he touched you in the Astronomy Tower, all those weeks before, you feel the same thing now. That feeling of comfort combined with the flutters in your stomach. You didn't understand it then, and you can't explain it now, but you know what it means.

"You didn't stay by my side," he says hoarsely into your shoulder.

"I'm sorry – "

"Tell me you won't regret all this, Aurora," Draco says. He holds your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. "Tell me that after all that's happened, and everything that will happen, you won't regret this."

"This is my choice," you remind him. "I choose this. I choose you."

"I'm the worst choice you could ever possibly make."

You press your forehead onto his. "Look at everything you've ever done to me." He intertwines his fingers into yours. "And I'm still here."

June 17th

Today, I've cast my first Patronus charm.

- DM

hi everyone! thank you so much for reading this story, i'm sorry it's so short! i just posted another, longer story called "malfoy's moon" so you can check that out if you enjoyed this one. it'll be a slow-burn, enemies to lovers draco malfoy fanfiction!

love you <3

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