nightmare reality

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"I don't get why you said yes to Michael when Terry Boot asked you," Ginny says.

You're in the bathroom getting ready as Ginny changes into her mauve colored dress.

"We've had this conversation before," you say, exasperated, as you pull on your dress.

"Terry is way better looking than Michael," Ginny says stonily. 

You give a weak laugh but for some unknown reason, your thoughts stray to Draco, thinking about his white-blonde hair and his piercing grey eyes.

Not at all angelic, you think, tugging on your heeled shoes.

When seven o'clock arrives, you're standing at the top of the grand, imposing staircase leading up to the Great Hall. You're wearing a dark green dress with thin straps that hugs your waist, and flows out below. Your hair is done in an elegant low bun and a couple front strands hanging loosely to frame your face. Your makeup is done simply, nothing too extravagant.

Michael Corner appears at the bottom of the steps, wearing a dark-colored suit, and swallows nervously looking at you.

"You look... nice, Aurora," he says, holding out his hand when you reach the bottom. 

"Thank you," you say, blushing slightly. "You look nice, too." He leads you out onto the dance floor, and you're followed by Ginny and Dean, and Neville and Luna.

For the first ten minutes, it feels nice to dance with Michael. If you're being honest, he isn't the best dancer, stepping on your toes every few minutes or so. But it feels nice to dance with someone, however awkward it may feel. And then after those ten minutes pass, you find your mind wandering, and your eyes tear away from Michael's face to search through the crowd.

You look through every face in the crowd but there's no tall, blonde boy that catches your gaze. Not that you care. You vaguely wonder who he'd gone with, or if he'd even gone at all. But none of that matters. In fact, you're pleased he isn't here; pleased that you don't have to look at him, don't have to see this boy that had taken up more of your thoughts recently than you would've liked. But all these thoughts were purely anger, merely the effect of your recent arguments with him. You turn your attention back to Michael. After a couple of more minutes, the dance ends and you and Michael sink into nearby chairs to rest your aching feet. 

"You know, if you want to dance with her, I wouldn't mind," you say loudly. You can see Michael staring at Romilda Vane, who is sitting alone. 

"What?" Michael's eyes snap back towards you. "No, no it's nothing."

"No, really," you say. "I wouldn't mind. I mean, we just came as friends, right?" You give him an encouraging smile to let him know it's okay if he goes with Romilda.

He nods slowly and gets up, a bit pink in the face. "Right, yeah. If it's fine with you, then I'll just... Alright." He says, and you watch him walk over to Romilda.

You stare at Luna and Neville dancing for a while, giving them a little wave, before zoning out. It suddenly feels all too stuffy in the room, with its dim lights, and torches of fire hanging on the walls. You find yourself longing for fresh air, something to help you escape your thoughts. You get up and exit the room, opening a door to the outside.

The air is cool against your skin and you can feel your tight bun of hair beginning to loosen. You're walking towards the Black Lake when something catches your attention.

Draco Malfoy, standing by the lake, with his hands in the pockets. He's wearing a similar outfit to the one you saw him wear during the last party, a week ago. Same white-buttoned up shirt, same black vest, same black dress pants.

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