tears and ice-skates

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"Are you okay, Aurora?" Luna asks. You're laying down in your dorm room, staring up at the ceiling.

"What?" You say absently, turning your fingers over the grooves in your wand.

"You missed dinner..."

"Oh- I wasn't hungry." In truth, you are hungry. But you just can't face going into the Great Hall. Seeing all those faces. Seeing him.

"You look troubled." Luna says. She comes over and sits down on the edge of your bed. "You can always talk to me, you know." She smiles serenely at you.

"Thanks, Luna."

"Just not now, I can feel the Wrackspurts muddling up my brain, it's a bit difficult to think." She says, seriously. "But any other time, we can talk."

You give a weak smile.

One Saturday evening finds you resting in the Ravenclaw common room on the couch. You sigh, moving your books off your stomach as you straighten up. The common room has always been your favorite place to spend time at Hogwarts. The cool tones of dark blue, the layered tapestries hanging on the walls, and the arched windows that show the picturesque views of Hogwarts have always given you comfort.

You gaze outside the window, tapping your finger lightly on the glass, when something catches your attention. Someone standing near the Black Lake.


You look away from the window, turning your attention back to your book. You think about how freezing it is outside and the December cold wind. You look back at him through the window. He's only wearing a dark navy sweater, a white collared shirt underneath, and black trousers. No jacket, no gloves, or hat, or...

You look away. You don't care.

But you need to talk to him.

No, you don't.

This constant stream of arguing in your head suddenly gives you a feeling of recklessness. You stand up and leave the common room. When you arrive outside the castle, you walk up to Draco.

"What do you want?" He says, without looking at you.

"Are you mental?" You say loudly. "Do you know how cold it is?"

"I never noticed," Draco says, sarcastically. His breath turns into little clouds of fog in the frigid air.

"I'm not playing around right now," you say, exasperated. "I mean it – "

"So, are we just going to forget it?" He interrupts, abruptly.

"Forget what?"

"Forget what happened in the Astronomy tower. Just going to pretend it didn't happen?"

"Yes." You say coldly. "Isn't that what you want?"

"Just piss off," he mutters, turning.

"Why can't you face anything? Are you just going to run away from everything like some coward? Why can't you –"

Draco whips around and grabs your arm. "Don't call me a coward."

"You are a coward and I'll call you that all I want. Let go of me." You say.

His hand holds grips your arm tighter, slowly twisting. You can feel tears brim in your eyes. With your other hand, you reach out and slam your palm across his cheek.

He lets go of you in shock, and you stumble backwards from the release of pressure. Before you can stop it, you're falling into the lake behind you. At the last second, you grasp the front of Draco's sweater with your fists, making him fall with you.

His Ravenclaw (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now