tainted and used

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And once again, you find yourself a captor of the dark hallways of Hogwarts at night. This time, your destination being the Slytherin common room. You've never been the Slytherin common room. In fact, you've been to every Hogwarts House common room than Slytherin. When you arrive at the tall, wooden door with an intricately carved black handle, you whisper, "Purebloods" and open it. The room is empty, except for someone laying on the couch. That someone happens to be Draco, laying there with his eyes closed. His body is curled slightly to the cold cushions, and he looks... peaceful. He might even be pleasant-looking with the absence of his familiar smirk gliding across his face.

At the sound of your footsteps, he jolts awake, his hair ruffled from sleeping on the couch.

"What are you doing here, Ollivander?" He sneers, laying back on the couch. "Oh, you don't need to remind me. Adrian's dorm is so welcoming to you right now, isn't it?"

"Shut up, Malfoy," you order, "I mean it, I'm not going to stand this."

The door from the boys' dormitories opens and Adrian walks in. Out of relief to not be alone with Draco, you sit on the other couch and give a smile to Adrian.

"Alright, time's up, mate," Adrian says, prodding Draco with his foot.

"Mm?" Draco says, his eyes closing as though he's dropping off back to sleep.

"Come on, clear out. Go to your dorm." Adrian repeats.

"No, I don't think so." Draco says.

"Come on," Adrian says, exasperated. "You know Aurora and I have the Potions essay to do. You're not even in our group. Snape removed you, remember?"

Draco finally gets up, mutters a curse at Adrian, and leaves for his dorm room.

When it's just you and Adrian, you're overwhelmed with nerves. Suddenly, you're just remembering what Ginny told you about Adrian, back in your fourth year.

Adrian sits down on the couch, far too close to you, looking you up and down.

"You look really great today," he says, his cold breath tickling your cheek.

You shift slightly away from him and ignore his comment. "Let's get our Potions book, shall we?" You lean forwards to reach for your bag when you can suddenly feel his hand on your bare arm. You yank your arm out of his grasp and whirl around so you're facing him.

"What are you doing?" You snap.

Adrian puts his hands up. "Relax, I'm not doing anything. I just thought we could do something else. I mean, Potions is boring."

You raise your eyebrows. "I thought we were here to work on the essay," you say coldly.

"Come on, you're smart. Ravenclaw and all that, you know? I'm sure you can find some time to work on it," he says, shuffling closer.

"No, I don't think so," you say pleasantly. "This is a group project." You were all too familiar of people using your brain and your House for homework assignments. But, Adrian... he seemed to want something more.

"You can put your books away," Adrian says, running his hands through his dark brown hair. "Let's just do something else." At the point, he's leaning towards you, and his hand is on your knee when the door from the dorm rooms flies open.

"Just forgot my Quidditch robes-" Draco starts, crossing the room. "What the hell?" He stops when he catches sight of you and Adrian.

You take advantage of Adrian's confusion and shove him in the chest, so hard he nearly topples over on the glass table.

"Do the essay yourself," you say furiously, grabbing your bag. Ignoring Draco's burning gaze on you, you cross the room and slam the door to the Slytherin common room shut.

The usual familiar dark corridors of Hogwarts that you usually love to roam at night do nothing to welcome you. Now, you just feel tainted.

Signs and posters erupt the walls of Hogwarts. Whispered conversations go unnoticed in the back of the classrooms. Everyone is speaking about one thing: The annual Yule Ball.

"Who do you want to go with, Neville?" Luna asks one day at dinner.

"Oh, I don't know," Neville mumbles, flushing red.

"Well, I'm going with Dean," Ginny says, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

"Dean Thomas? Gryffindor?" You inquire and Ginny nods, blushing.

"And you?" Ginny asks.

You shrug. Two guys had already asked you, Terry Boot of Ravenclaw and Zacharias Smith of Hufflepuff. You turned them down politely. Not that you didn't like them, you'd just never spoken to them and after the Adrian incident, you wanted to be more cautious about who you were spending your time with. "I'm not sure I'm going," you say.

"You must go," Luna urges. "I think it'll be good for you."

"Come on, Aurora," Ginny says.

That night, Michael Corner found you studying on the couch in the Ravenclaw common room and asked you to the dance.

You agreed.

You're studying late in the library, doing the Potions essay yourself. You bury your head in your arms, burnt from exhaustion. The next moment you open your eyes, the library is completely dark. It must've been 1 or 2 in the morning. Students are not allowed out of bed this late. Rubbing your eyes blearily, you stuff your books back into your bag and hurry out the library. You're walking along the corridor to the Ravenclaw common room when you collide into something large.

"You need to watch where you're going, Ollivander," Draco says coldly.

"What are you doing up this late?" You say, staring at his tall figure.

"It's none of your business."

"Then get out of my way-" You start but you hear footsteps from far off and Draco grabs your arm with his cold hand and shoves you into a nearby storage room.

"What are you-" You gasp as he pushes his hand over your mouth.

"Be quiet. I can hear Filch," he whispers furiously in your ear. He has you pinned against the wall and his body is pressed against yours, his lips mere centimeters from your ear. You struggle under his grasp, gasping.

"I told you to shut up."

"Get off me!" You say. For a moment, you think he's going to press into you harder but he releases you, stepping backwards. You wait until Filch's footsteps pass outside the room and then hurry outside, without looking backward.

You wouldn't admit it, but your heart is thundering and you can feel odd shivers down your spine. Shivers you'd never felt before. It seems that Draco Malfoy had come into your life far more than you would've appreciated. Your younger thoughts would've felt nothing but fury at the small school boy who had tormented you, but now he is older. Taller. More poised. You still feel fury towards him, but then what were those shivers you had felt when he touched you?

That couldn't be mere anger.

Could it? 

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