it's always been him

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As soon as you wake up in the morning, someone takes a firm hold of your forearm and twists. Without warning, you're spun into darkness and you reappear in the large room of Malfoy Manor you first arrived in. Trying not to throw up from Apparating so early in the morning, you look around to see who had forced you to Apparate, and see that it was Bellatrix.

Everyone is crowded into the hall, including the many Death Eaters. They're all waiting and you know exactly who they're waiting for.

Moments later, there's a flash of bright light and Voldemort appears, having Apparated in. In an instant, the Death Eaters drop to their knees in a low bow, a sign of respect to their master.

"My Lord, the girl..." Bellatrix says, breathlessly.

Voldemort gazes at you with his red eye-slits and you can feel all the breath knocked out of you just by looking at him.

"Get her closer," he commands in his high, clear voice.

Bellatrix grasps the back of your shirt and shoves you towards him. You stare at the floor, unable to look directly in his face. Using his wand, he lifts your chin up, forcing you to look into his eyes. You stare unwaveringly at his pale, twisted face.

"Love," he says softly. "How young and foolish it is. For someone to so willingly put their life on the line... all for love. Yes, Ollivander. Love is a weakness. His weakness, to be precise." The room is deadly silent except for his voice, which comes out like a hiss.

You can hear your voice shaking as you say, "I don't – I don't understand – "

"Harry Potter!" Voldemort hisses, "He's your supposed love, is he not, Ollivander?"

You're beginning to feel faint with shock and Bellatrix's hold on the back of your robes tightens.

"Love has always been Potter's weakness," Voldemort continues, "If I am right, as I am, he will be arriving shortly. Now, shall we see as he comes to die for love?" He removes his wand from your chin and flicks it casually at you.

You're propelled backwards, hitting the opposite stone wall with tremendous force that you can feel sharp pain root up across your back. The Death Eaters begin conversing with one another in low tones, whispers that slither across the room.

They're all waiting for Harry Potter. The seconds tick by slowly. Then minutes.

And then it's been ten minutes, and Voldemort is beginning to grow impatient. One by one, he uses the Cruciatus curse on Death Eaters at random, watching them kneel and listening to their echoing screams. When fifteen minutes has passed, he turns to you.

"It seems," he says slowly, "that Potter is taking his time. Things are looking very grave for you, Ollivander."

"My Lord," Bellatrix breathes.

Voldemort looks at her, inclining his head. "Yes, Bellatrix?"

"If, by chance, the boy does not come – "

"Then, we shall dispose of the girl and those who gave me the false information will be punished." Voldemort hisses. "But fear not. Potter will come. I am sure of it. Love has always been his – "

And then someone steps forward. Someone from the back of the room, from the shadows you had not noticed. And the moment he steps forward, all the air from your lungs vanishes. All of the Death Eaters let out a collective gasp,

"Draco – " Lucius begins, stepping forward in fear.

"No, no, Lucius," Voldemort says, holding out his hand. "Let's see what young Draco Malfoy has to say on this matter."

His Ravenclaw (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now