Chapter 6

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Before we start: I'm sorry about not updating frequently, it's just a bit of writers block and fucking school, oh go I'm sorry for being an ass hole so anyway here's the chapter!

Ethan's P.O.V

Okay so me JJ, Harry, Simon,and Josh are still here at the club but Vikk and Tobi are gone, I tried to look but I just couldn't find them! Next thing I see is Simon making out with someone in the corner 'aww finally Simone got a girl!' when I got a little closer I could actually see who this 'girl' was. 'Holy Motherfucking Shit on a stick Josh and Simon are making out in a fucking corner!' You know actually I thought Josh's scarf was kind of suspicious, haha now I know! So leaving that scene I went to go find JJ and Harry. I see JJ getting drunk at the bar with Harry, they were laughing at everything anyone said so I just left and went back to the hotel. When I walked in there I saw Vikk and Tobi's stuff so I went to check on them, and I couldn't believe what I saw hehehe.....

Josh's P.O.V

So I'm just making out with my boyfriend here having a fun time and at that time two of my oh so wonderful friends decided to interrupt us and go on to call us "Hello Ethan.....What in the bloody hell do you want?!" "Josh you would not believe what I'm seeing here!" "Well what is it?!?" "Tobi's arms are around Vikk and their legs are all tangled up,  does it mean what I think it means?!?" I pull my face away from the phone "wow Vikk finally did it huh?" "What do you mean Josh?" I hear Simon whisper behind me "Oh umm....I really wasn't supposed to tell you this but Vikk likes Tobi and their at the hotel." "What? Vikk likes Tobi? How long have you known this?" "For about like 4 months now , and Vikk didn't want this little secret to get out cause he thinks people will shut him out and treat him differently....." "Oh god how can he think that?" "I honestly don't know....." I put my head back near the phone "Umm maybe.....goodbye!!" I hung up and went to go get JJ,Harry,and Simon to go back and see what this is all about. Oh god Ethan, why can't you just let us be.

Author's Note: Again Im soo sorry for not updating in a long time so I will try and update more tomorrow or even today, who knows? and I'm soo sorry this is like super short, I'll make it up by making the next one longer •Shinimi the Kidd~bai bai my children•

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