Your'e safe with me~Charlie Gillespie

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I yelped as I was slammed against a hard, brick wall in an empty boy's locker room.

"Brian, stop." I whimpered. Brian Gilbert had been my school bully since as long as I could remember.

"As I recalled me mentioning before, you don't tell me what to do." He aggressively said, so close to my face I could feel his spit hitting me. He held me pushed up against the wall.

"W-what do you want with me?"

"I want you to die."

I shivered, and cringed at his words. Welcome to my life. I had nobody, no friends or caring family to save me. My entire life I'd dealt with Brian's insults, such as calling me fat, horrid and hideous, and wishing death upon me. I mentally kicked myself as I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I'm stronger than this.

"Stop being such a baby." He shoved me into the wall harder, hurting the back of my head.

"Please stop it, my heads hurting." I barely whispered. He chuckled and moved away from me, and I hunched over, regaining my breath. He raised his hand up, ready to bring it down on me.

"Until tomorrow, you fat—"

"I'm sorry is there something wrong here?"

I heard an unmistakable Canadian accent say. Charlie Gillespie, a boy many girls in our school wanted, stood behind Brian.

"I was just talking to her." Brian nervously replied. He moved towards me and threw his arm around my shoulder. "Me and her are good friends you see."

Charlie lowered his eyebrows, looking at me.

"Doesn't seem like that, Brian. She's trembling."

"Why don't you get out of here and mind your own business then, Gillespie?" Brian warningly said. Charlie moved to where his and Brian's faces stood only inches apart.

"Get out and don't you ever touch her again." His voice dripped with anger.

"Or what?" Brian smirked. Charlie lost it and grabbed Brian by his shirt collar.

"Or I will personally see to it, that your life becomes a living hell."

Brian looked taken aback. "Screw you." He whispered, before running out. Charlie turned to face me. I shook, as he made his way toward me.

"Hey, hey it's ok." He softly spoke. "Are you ok?"

I was barely able to shake my head before I burst into a full breakdown. In one swift moment Charlie had my in his arms.

"I dont understand what I did." I sobbed.

"Shh." He calmingly rubbed my back. "I'll make sure he never ever comes near you again, ok?" He whispered. I nodded into his chest. After a few minutes I was able to calm down with his help.

"I'm Charlie, by the way."

"I know." I sniffled. "Every girl at school knows that."

He looked confused.

"You're that one guy, Charlie, that every girl wants and every guy wants to be." I explained. He chuckled.

"I hadn't noticed."

"You're seriously telling me, that all those pretty girls that want you, you dont want them?" I asked, sitting up from leaning in his chest, and locking eyes with him. He shrugged.

"They're pretty, sure, but they don't want me for me, they just want a good time. They're not like're different." He explained. "You have a good heart. That I noticed."

I got butterflies by his words.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"And y/n?" He asked. "Don't even begin to think anything Brian says is true. You're beautiful, and an amazing person. I've never met anyone as strong and determined as you. No matter what anybody says, you deserve this life." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed furiously.

"Thank you, Charlie."

He stood up and held his hand out for me to take.

"I'll see you around?" I asked.

"Actually, I was thinking we could walk together." He smiled.
I grinned. Already, I could tell this was a new start. A new start to a wonderful friendship, and maybe eventually, more.

hey sorry this was kind of a little more dark of a chapter. Just wanted to let you all know that you're beautiful, and you're doing amazing❤ keep going!

Luke Patterson/Charlie Gillespie imagines Where stories live. Discover now