Kiss me if I'm wrong~ Charlie Gillespie

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My mother yelled from downstairs. I ripped my earbuds out of my ears and ran down the carpet stairs, skipping the last two.

"Careful turbo." My dad joked walking by. I glared at him and skipped into the kitchen. I stopped abruptly and almost fell flat on my face.

"Hey." Charlie, my brother's best friend smirked at me. My brother and him were inseparable, and he was almost always over, so you think I'd be used to him by now. But nope, I had a huge crush on him, and only my brother knew. He used it against me all the time, saying if I didnt do this or do that he'd tell Charlie. I was only one year younger than my 17 year old brother, and wouldnt be afraid to take him, but would rather Charlie not know about my silly school girl crush. I shook off my thoughts and waved at Charlie with a small smile.

"Hey little sis." Jeremy, my brother, walked in. I nodded at him.

"Ready to go Char?"

Charlie nodded at my brother.

"Where you guys going?" I turned away from the dishes to ask.

"Setting up for tonight." Jeremy answered, referring to a teen party that was happening later. My eyes grew wide.

"Take me, please. I hate dishes."

"Yeah c'mon Jer, let's bring her." Charlie looked at me, winking. Jeremy sighed.

"Fine, but only because you're my favorite sister. And no drinking." He warned.

"I'm your only sister. And you cant drink either Mr. Seventeen."

"Doesn't mean you cant be my favorite." He replied ignoring the drinking comment. He turned and walked out, Charlie waiting for me before heading after him.

* * *
My ears rung as loud music blared all around me, vibrating through my body. I sweat as the room was packed with teenagers, most of them drunk. I'd stayed far from that, knowing I'd probably have to drive Charlie and Jeremy home. I felt as if I couldnt breathe as I pushed my way through the crowd. I had to get outside so I could breathe.

"Finally." I heavily breathed as I bent over to catch my breath, on the back porch of whoever's house we were at. I leaned against the porch railing, and looked at the stars, and full moon. I jumped as I felt a hand slide on my waist to gently move me aside. I looked up to see Charlie looking down at me.

"Hey you. You doin ok?"

I shivered at his gentle expression, his eyes moving from my eyes to my lips.

"Um, I'm good. Just had to breathe." I explained. He chuckled.

"Not gonna lie, same here." I looked at him. "And maybe I was worried about you." He admitted. I grinned.

"I already have a brother Charlie, I dont need another one."

He laughed. "Yeah your brother is quite drunk right now. Plus, I dont really look at you as a sister."

I looked at him, deciding to ignore that last comment.

"And you're not drunk?"

"Nah, cant stand that stuff." He said. I chuckled and agreed.

"Man we're boring aren't we?" I joked.

"You think I'm boring? Y/n/n I'm offended." He teased.

I blushed as he used my nickname.

"No— I just meant—"

"Relax I'm teasing you."

"Oh." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"So..." he started. "I have a question."

I looked at him, nervous.

"Why do you avoid me whenever I'm over? I'd like to hang out with you, you're cool."

I blushed harder than I already was.

"Uh, I just dont want to bug you guys, that's all." I lied. He leaned on the railing, our shoulders touching.

"And that right a lie." He turned his face to look at me, and I could feel his breath.

"Nope. No lie." I muttered.

"Mmm," he moaned, his voice gravely. "You're cute when you're trying to lie." He whispered, putting infisis on 'trying'. My breath hitched.

"Your blush is telling me otherwise, so again, I'll ask. Why do you avoid me?" He was just teasing me at this point.

"I'm done with this conversation." I joked, rising up from leaning on the railing and turning to walk away.

"I dont think so." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, causing me to bump into his chest. He leaned down close to my face, his thumb rubbing up and down on my jawline. He studied my face. I stayed silent, struggling to breathe naturally.

"One more question." He mumbled. "Kiss me if I'm wrong, but the alphabet has numbers in it, doesn't it?"

I scoffed. "You dork. You've been waiting for the day you could use that on someone, weren't you?" I whispered.

"No, not someone. You. Now kiss me." He ordered softly. I did as he told me, and he brought his hands down to my waist. It quickly became a make out session, and after about a minute, he pulled away.

"We better get Jeremy and head home." I whispered.

"In a second." He answered, leaning back in to connect our lips.

"Charlie." I whined, pulling away. He pouted.

"Fine. On one condition, I'm spending the night at your house tonight, but I get to sleep in your room instead of Jeremy's." He smirked slyly. I hit him.

"C'mon Gillespie, we're going."

"You didnt say no!" He yelled after me.

Sorry I saw a tiktok with the "kiss me if I'm wrong"... and I had to incorporate it somehow😂🤧
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