Complicated Love~ Luke Patterson

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I giggled, swatting at Luke.

"Give it back." He moaned, drawing out the "k". I shook my head and continued to run off with his song notebook. I suddenly stopped, realizing he wasnt chasing me anymore.

"Gotcha!" He startled me as he jumped up behind me and hugged my waist. He pried my fingers off of the notebook, and snatched it. "Haha!"

I giggled at his triumph. Twenty five years ago, me and my band Sunset Curve had died from some raunchy, gone-bad street dogs. Luke and I seemed to struggle with it the most, because we'd both died while being mad at our families. Luke had run away to stay at Alex's house, and I'd joined them shortly after due to a sudden outburst from my drunken father. I'll never forget when Luke saw the bruises that decorated my face, along with the red slap mark. Reggie and Alex had to practically hold him down so he wouldnt go kill my father. The guys had quickly become my family, and when we died we somehow got even closer. That was until Luke met Julie. He was always with her now, whether working on songs or just to be around her. I noticed the way he looked at her right away, as well as the jealous stab at my heart when he did. Luke and I had always been best friends, but I always wanted us to be more. Typical, I know. But he was my first kiss, and every time I'd gone through a rough patch, whether it was a breakup with one of my old boyfriends or abuse from my father, he'd always been there. And then we died, and he still was there. I was in love with him, and I wanted more than anything for him to feel the same.

"Y/nnn. Earth to y/n." Luke brought me out of my thoughts, still holding my waist.

"Sorry.." I said.

"Hey guys!" Julie came walking in, and Luke immediately threw his arms off of my waist, and backed away from me. I almost scoffed, before I caught myself. Was he worried she'd see us, and he couldnt make a move on her? I rolled my eyes when they weren't looking.

"Ready to rehearse?" She asked the two of us. Luke grinned and grabbed his guitar.

"Alright boss, where we at?" He said, giving her an adorable grin.

"Actually, I think I'll go find Alex and Reg. Have fun." I told them, walking out before they could reply. I sighed, would he ever love me?

* * *

"Hey." I said, slightly sullen.

"Yeah hi. Can you please tell Reggie that the phrase, 'lit' does not actually mean anything involving fire?"Alex said, panicked. My eyes grew wide.


"I didnt do anything I swear. Willie just said lit and I assumed he meant fire, so I lit the museum on fire." He said bashfully. I threw my face into my palm. Sometimes it's a miracle that I love them.

"I cant deal with you two right now." I joked, sitting down.

"You have to. Who else will?" Reggie pointed out. Alex glared at him, before looking at me.

"You look sad, what's up?"

I bit my lip nervously.

"I' love with Luke. Well I think. I don't know. It doesnt really matter, he likes Julie." I admitted. Reggie sat on the other side of me.

"But that's the thing, y/n, I dont think he does."

I looked at him, confused.

"He loves you." Alex said from the other side of me. I looked at him.

"Did he say that?"

Alex shook his head.

"Didnt have to. Its obvious. I've never seen him more happy than he is with you."

I looked at them both, unbelievingly.

"Just trust us, ok?" Alex said, putting his hand on my knee comfortingly. I narrowed my eyes.

"Reg just burned down an entire building. Trust is impossible with you two."

"You love us."

"Unfortunately." I teased, before getting up and leaving them yelling after me.

* * *

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I poofed into my old bedroom. My parents hadn't seem to touched it, it was exactly the same as I'd left it. I smiled up at the boyband posters hung on my walls, the pictures of me and the guys, and our first performance ticket. I'd framed that one.

"Thought you might be here."

Luke walked up next to my side, lacing his fingers with mine.

"You ok?"

"I miss it. Being alive." I admitted.

"Me too."

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Hey y/n?" He asked. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry for being the biggest jerk ever. I'm not gonna lie, I thought I had feelings for Julie. I thought that because she could make us visible when we play, that maybe that was causing my feelings. But today when you left and the two of us were rehearsing, it wasn't fun. It was fun up until you left, but when you did it wasnt. I never liked her, I just tricked myself into thinking I did. And I'm sorry but all this makes me realize, that I love you?" He sounded unsure.

"Do you?" I asked.

"I love you." He said more steadily, and surely. "And I would never let anyone or anything hurt you, because I care about your feelings more than mine. And no one else has ever made me feel that way."

I nodded, letting his words sink it.

"So it's not Julie?" I asked hesitantly.

"No. It's you." He whispered.

"Itll always be you."

Not sure what I think ab this one😬 but hope yall like it!

Luke Patterson/Charlie Gillespie imagines Where stories live. Discover now